I was curious if people think capping a tower with a tube would be legal or not.
Are you asking if a tube gets tossed from the human player position and it accidently gets hooked around the tower? Or are you asking if you can cap it intentionally?
<G23> Contact (via ROBOT or GAME PIECE) with the opposing ALLIANCE’S TOWERS is
Violation: RED CARD
That rule is in the End Game section.
my bad. i dont see anything against it, but that would be really hard and they still would have (18) minus (laying sideways height of tube) inches for deployment room. and if you put a bunch over their tower actually scoring them would benefit you more.
Intentionally. Basically it comes down to are whether or not actions done in the teleop period applicable to penalties in the endgame period
I don’t believe there is any rule governing it.
Before we go any further, is there a why behind this?
Assuming your minibot is 12" big you would have a 6" window to place it, also you couldn’t place it on the base, which may be some teams strategies. blocking a potential 50 points would have drastic implications
I don’t think it would have any effect other than blocking the lights on the top and annoying the field crew who has to retrieve the tube that’s now >10’ in the air. And keeping a tube out of play.
Is it possible to do? I think so. But I also think that risk/reward just ain’t in favor of doing so.
I’d personally (and I’m not a ref) call putting a tube over the tower as intentionally blocking deployment via pole contact, if it made it to the bottom. That’s not a light penalty, either.
Sounds like a good question for the Q&A!
<G23> covers opposing towers, and (unless it’s within the last 10 seconds) you can’t break the plane of the base of the tower without penalty (can’t find that rule, but it was specifically called out at kickoff).
The round tubes have a diameter of 12" and are flexible, the disks at the top of the poll are 12" too. This means that potentially the disk could fall down the to the bottom.
I think breaking the plane classifies as deployment which would be covered in the rule. However I think this only applies to breaking the plane in your tower.
Also G23 is only covered by the end game, not the teleop period.
Read the rest of the post.
- Field reset will want to do mean things to you. They have to remove the tubes.
- If I were the head ref, I’d see intentional blocking. Boom, red card. See that blue box below <G24>? It’s not a rule, but it does say something about throwing tubes at minibots climbing. I’d figure on that being enough to pull the card; you are interfering with deployment.
Right, but the action took place during teleop, and this is the big question I have, if you do something during telelop can you be penalized for it during the end game.
if it was done, i’d assume the same rule for minibot would apply, you got them on, you have to get them off.
If I pin your robot at the end of teleop, can the penalty be called in the endgame?
If you do something during teleop and you can’t be called for that action in the endgame, boy will there be a lot of pins when the lights start flashing.
It’s a deliberate action taken to prevent a minibot from climbing. The rule does not say, In the End Game, you can’t interfere with deployment/climbing. It says, You can’t interfere, with no time limit given. So if I slam an Ubertube over your post’s target autonomously, and it interferes with minibot deployment (which it probably will), and I don’t get a red card, you’re going to be in the question box explaining to the ref that you couldn’t deploy because I slammed an Ubertube over your target. (In that case, I’d also get a penalty. But I might view the penalty as minor compared to the race points.)
Deliberate interference=red card.
RE: SteveGpage. Human player may only offer robot a tube via the designated slot. It can’t be tossed into the arena over the player station.
I understand where you’re coming from, and I know that the volunteers put in a lot of work at competitions (I’ve been one of them), but if there is are no rules specifically saying you can’t do something, and there is not an update to change that rule, it really doesn’t matter what the field reset people think or not. My team is not going to design a robot based on what the field reset people think about what work will be required of them, we are going to design it to win the competition within the spirit and written word of the rules.
Obviously safety does play a big factor into this kind of thing, but if this is foreseen an update should clarify it if the GDC does indeed to believe it to be a safety issue. Otherwise the field reset people should have a ladder.
Also, I am not agreeing nor disagreeing with this idea (which I do think is a good idea, if it proves legal) but discussing this specific point.
I’m tired of quoting the manual for today so all I will say is “Try again”.
RTFM! Read the FIRST manual!