Car Nack Predicts 12-1

Car Nack Predicts 12-1

During the FRC season you will never see 36 points scored in the hybrid period.

Car Nack has spoken

All 6 balls? That seems doable for most regionals, and will occur at least once at champs.

My Addendum: We will see at least 30 points in Hybrid Mode from an alliance who uses the Kinect sensor.

Go right ahead. Car Nack has an excellent prediction and strategy record, though.

However, there is one element I wish to ask the great Car Nack about for clarification:

Is this prediction for a single alliance, or for both alliances combined?

For if it is a combined alliance score, then I think Car Nack’s crystal ball is cloudy. If it is for a single alliance, then I think Car Nack will only have a chance to be proven wrong at IRI–which is after the FRC season.

I would say there is still a chance you could see it at Championships,there were a few random alliances last year that were made up of 3 very good robots while it is pretty much a given that you will see super alliances at IRI I would guess that there will be atleast 3 or 4 random alliances per division in St Louis that would have 3 robots capable of scoring all the balls, of course from their things need to bounce right but I think it can happen (and hope it does)

I certainly wouldn’t bet money on it but it could happen.

It’s going to be a calibration issue more than anything else, I think. Springy rims are not forgiving.

I think all balls will be scored in auto, maybe even several times, but not all 36 points.

Can’t a really good autonomous robot score four by itself, without being fed by other robots?

I completely agree.

Six balls, 15 seconds, one goal. Requires a bit too much coordination to work. Besides, you can take a simple one point penalty and shoot for the 2 point goal in autonomous.

O great car nack, thank you for blessing us with your wisdom for another difficult to predict competition.

And yes I agree with you.

True that. Good thing to think about when creating autonomous functionality!

This will be interesting, but I think that it will be done - maybe even in week 1.

1 ball every 2 seconds. When timed perfectly, that leaves 3 seconds to spare.
If it does happen it will be during elims in STL and the alliance will be formed around it. So if it happens, it could happen 10 times.

Challenge Accepted.

I think the bigger problem to overcome is not getting three robots together that could score two balls in the top hoop in auton in 15 seconds. The bigger problem is getting six balls coordinated between three robots not to interfere with one another while being shot. These balls are of decent size and not to come in contact with one another if all six are shot within a short time span (<10 seconds) within the area of the key, will be unlikely I believe.

Some of the replies (thanks Chris!) got me thinking about some flip switches, dials, or potentiometers that is set by the drivers when the robot is set down on the field. This would allow them set a delay in shots after they communicate with their alliance for sequencing.

I think CarNack’s prediction is dead on (for 36pts on one alliance) because the probability of 3 teams that are both capable of 2 auton balls in the high goal AND also capable of setting a delay on the fly being on the same alliance are incredibly low for quals and almost non-existent for elims.

The only wild card that may allow us to see this in elims is the Kinect combined with an alliance that has 1 delayed robot, 1 robot that is controlled with Kinect but mostly does its own thing, and 1 robot that can spit the balls out the bottom of the bot in a precise and controlled manner.

I predict more than 36(*) in the elimination rounds at DC. That is week 5, 3 weeks after many of the teams will have been together at the Baltimore event.

*: don’t forget the balls on the bridges; one robot moves directly there while partners shoot, then shoots two while collecting two or more to shoot again. I’d have(**) a wide robot with two side by side shooter mechanisms.

**: not that I think my team will do it; they ignore my ideas a lot

Yup. I’m gonna go ahead right now and suggest that Car Nack will be wrong on this one.

I can even tell you the 2 team (#1 seed and their first choice) alliance that I think will do it, together, at THREE (and possibly FOUR, depending on division split) regular season events.

It is a shame @FRCFMS wasn’t around in 2006, so does anyone know the highest autonomous score in 2006? There won’t be any defensive robots to worry about, but the goal is a much smaller and thus harder target, so I think it would be a good indicator.

I’m inclined to agree with Car Nack. I haven’t gotten to play with real field elements, but I think going for 36 a potential snag may be balls hanging around in the nets and causing a backlog. You’ve got to cram a lot balls into the hoops in a short period.

I didn’t really consider it earlier but I would bet that atleast 10 teams have an autonomous that can score their two balls, then collect and score the two ramp balls, that should then require the other two teams to score 3 of their balls in any goal, or 2 in the top. This seems very feasible in elimination rounds, definitely at Champs.

Edit: I am pretty sure it was not the intent of Car Nack but technically scoring 4 in the top and 3 elsewhere may score more than 36 points, meaning Car Nack would still be correct.

If it does happen, I’ll be shocked if it happens with all three robots shooting.