Car Nack Predicts-1st for 2005

Car Nack Predicts #1 for 2005

There will Not be alliances with three teams per alliance in 2005.

Car Nack has spoken

I have promised myself not to be sucked into this Forum, but Bill, er ah… I mean Car Nack has managed to pulled back in.

Concerning Alliances, as I used to say often on these fori, “Let me say this about that…” I think that this is a pretty bold prediction. BUT, I think Car Nack may end up being right in spirit but technically wrong due to his wording.

Had he said, “There will not be an ‘extra’ team in the alliances during the Elimination rounds.” I think he may be on to something.

I am not predicting that FIRST will not have 2-on-2 play but I think they might. In the event that they decide to have 3-on-3, I suppose that they would decided not to have an extra team on the Alliances for the Elims.

In this case, I suppose Car Nack could be technically wrong but right in spirit.

Time will tell…

Joe J.

Car Nack,

Not to put too fine a point on it, but, ah… …you’re 0 for 1 at this point in the season :wink:

I think you had better get some more predictions out there to help your batting average if you know what I mean.

Actually, I think stand by my point that in spirit, Car Nack was right, but there is that problem with the wording of your prection…

Joe J.