Car Nack Predicts 2011-2

Car Nack Predicts 2011-2

  1. There will be some Regionals/Districts competitions that will not see four mini-bots score during any match.

Car Nack has spoken

This Car Nack Prediction I believe will occur. A lot of teams will probably bring only 1 minibot, some might even bring none.

Unless there are loaners around at EVERY regional, this will probably happen.

Wow. The last time Car Nack made this type of prediction, he got it right (2007 Keepers).

I’m inclined to agree, because the great Car Nack is wise.

But I’m more inclined to disagree, because the Minibot is such a key part of the scoring. I think that every event will have at least one match–in eliminations, probably–where there are 4 scoring minibots. The later in the season we go, the more likely for 4 on the targets.

Well, Carnack, we will be working to eliminate the DC Regional from the encompassing “Some” in the prediction.

Our FTC team may even venture to other regionals to register the minibots for use by other teams we’ve become friends with over the years.

Dear Car Nack



This I agree with because so many teams struggle to just get a functioning FRC robot. I doubt they will be able to successfully make a decent minibot as well. You’ll probably only see half of the FIRST teams even have one.

also deployment will be a bigger challenge tan most teams think it will.

All the more reason to make the mini-bot a #1 design priority this year, more than any tube scoring.

If 3 mini bots score, and you get first and second, you’re up 35 points. First and third is up 25. Having two mini bots is REQUIRED.

If all four score - they somewhat cancel out and you can negate them with rings. But having one even if it sucks is REQUIRED.

Especially because they’re so busy focusing on the minibot.
They probably haven’t given any real thought to the Hostbot.
You’ll be lucky if you see more than one bot attach to the pole nevermind make it to the top of it.

I also agree with carnack. Hey in the future can you make your carnack predicts a poll.

Makes me wonder about the whole"Loaner Minibot Program" thing.
If a team hasn’t bothered to make a minibot then most likely they didn’t bother to make a hostbot either. So how are teams supposed to use the minibot without a hostbot? I don’t think teams can loan and attach a hostbot to another teams robot.

A team without a Hostbot would have a lot of difficulty competing at all…

Are you confusing hostbot with deployment mechanism? Hostbot refers to the entire robot.

I thought the Deployment mechanism was considered the Hostbot.

The HOSTBOT is the main FRC Legal Robot as defined in the Robot Manual Section 4. The MINIBOT is the separate entity that is inspected separately. Combined, the MINIBOT and the HOSTBOT become the ROBOT.

Why? Car Nack doesn’t care whether we agree with him (her?) or not. “Car Nack has spoken.”

Hmm. Very interesting prediction. As I am not very familiar with Car Nack, I have read all of his predictions, and they are almost all correct.

I would have to agree with his prediction, even if there only a few where it does happen.

I’ll dissent from popular opinion for a second though. Is deploying a host bot hard?

My current plan is to velcro it to an actuated stick.

I’ve gotta disagree on that, unfortunately. I’ve gone through and checked all the predictions I could find, since 2004, and overall (counting general and specific separately), Car Nack is 17 for 29, with two that I couldn’t find a result for. Typically, if a single prediction is both general and has a quantity (specific), the general is off but the quantity is on.

In other words, Car Nack has made 29 separate predictions, and he’s been right 17 times. He’s been better recently, though, getting better than 60% average in the last 3 years.

Chris: How are you going to deploy a 120+ pound electro-mechanical device with a velcro-covered actuated stick? :wink:

Prototype that Chris (heh, like I need to tell you that); I think you’ll find that there’s a difficulty in putting enough velcro on the MINIBOT so it is stable during the match, yet sparse enough that it easily detached from the HOSTBOT without slowing it down during deployment.

Ah, I see.
Well I wonder how effective a loaner minibot would be without a deployment system to get it to the pole?