Car Nack Predicts #4-09
Even though there is no atmosphere on the moon, at least one of the twelve robots on Einstein will have fan/propeller assist.
Car Nack has spoken.
Car Nack Predicts #4-09
Even though there is no atmosphere on the moon, at least one of the twelve robots on Einstein will have fan/propeller assist.
Car Nack has spoken.
Car Nack is once again wise. But is this not an overturning of Car Nack’s first prediction for the year? A first, that would be: Car Nack does not reverse predictions.
Seriously, 45 showed just how dangerous a well-used fan can be when they won one regional and finished second at another. The other fan-type robots have yet to show similar success, but may in time get there. (Hmm… is this a prediction as to who one of the robots on Einstein is going to be?)
469 was a finalist in their only event so far (and losing to 67 and 217 isn’t exactly a bad thing).
1279 reached the finals in DC and Semi-finals in Philly (and lost to 103, 1153, and 708 by a total of four balls over two matches).
I don’t think fans can all be lumped together in one group either. 45, 180, 469 and others use fans to provide a ton of pushing power (and acceleration), which enables them to pin other bots very effectively. 1279, 1731, and others use fans to improve acceleration, deceleration, and turning (in order to avoid being pinned).
We’ll have to see what kind of fan 121 is putting on their bot as we speak in UTC…:eek:
71 has fans on its drive modules. They were drafted first at St. Louis last week, and that alliance (16, 71, 1706) won the regional. I wasn’t close enough to see if their fans were on, but I do know they pinned 931 solidly against the endwall in SF1-2 while unloading a hopper-full to put that match out of reach.
A really scary one. I could feel that thing from far away. Plus they score like mad.
And y’all thought they were fearsome at BAE…:ahh:
Isn’t Buzz’s fan new as well?
The great Car Nack is correct. Team 121 and team 2753 carried fans.