Is it legal for use on the bot, how much? Can’t seem to find this in the rules.
It is legal, you can use up to 120lbs worth.
Or $3500 worth, whichever comes first.
A lot of people tend to forget to read the glossary, and that’s where a lot of questions can be answered. Be sure to read everything
It’s not stated “you can use carbon fiber”…just as it isn’t explicitly stated “you can use metal.” Both metal and carbon fiber are COTS items.
From the glossary (Section 1.6):
COTS – a “Commercial, Off-The-Shelf” COMPONENT or MECHANISM, in its unaltered, unmodified state. A COTS item must be a standard (i.e. not custom order) part commonly available from the VENDOR, available from a non-team source, and available to all teams for purchase.