Cargo ship Stratagy?

  • Possible strat?

Before the match starts you can choose to either put cargo hatches or cargo on the center cargo ship, I was wondering if you choose all cargo hatches on the cargo ship, can you de score yourself to rush the ranking point on the rocket. This might not seem benafical because your kinda wasting the time of a robot for a bit, moving all the hatches to the rocket , but let’s say a team your against is known to defend by sitting where you would input the cargo to the rocket blocking you from getting ranking points, this would increase the speed because it could have 2 robots making rounds to fill the rocket as fast as possible. Am I crazy or could this be a possible strat?

Edit* I could not find any rule against moving null hatches😅if I am mistaken please inform me

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This is a really good strategy. The thing that I noticed in the rule book is that the cargo ship is one of the top tie breakers for ranking points, so filling the cargo ship would be for overall ranking. I do not fully understand what you mean by “descoring” does that mean that you want to take the HATCHES off the cargo and put them on the rocket, or do you mean that you want to focus on the rocket?

If you mean taking them OFF, I think there is a rule against it, but if there isn’t GO FOR IT. That would be amazing. If you mean focus on the rocket, again YES! Focusing on the rocket could get you a ranking point and win the match!

No. The hatch panels are designated nulls and attached with hardware vs. the velcro. If all 3 teams place all 6 hatches you lose 12 pts off of your possible max, as well.
Page 34 I believe is the page that goes the more detailed starting positioning of the game pieces.

Ah, thank you for correcting me

I believe the rules state that the tiebreaker is CARGO points not CARGO SHIP points. So that would also include CARGO points scored in the rocket.