Carpet Alternative PROFUSION 20 PLETHORA

Collin’s blog post:

mentions testing some carpet that gaffers tape does not stick to…and then he mentions an alternative for Shaw Neyland II/III:


What I can’t figure out for sure is if the Profusion 20 plethora is in fact the tested carpet that gaffers tape will not stick to…I am guessing it is but does anyone know for sure?

Has any team tried the PROFUSION 20 PLETHORA?

That blog post mentions:

  • The second option is to look at this carpet as the vendor’s recommended alternative. (Note that this carpet comes in 12 ft rolls, not the 15 ft rolls used at events, and is the same carpet tested at the offseason event, meaning tape will not stick well to the carpet.)

That link goes to the Profusion 20 Plethora, so yes I believe that is the carpet that was tested, and yes you’ll likely run into the same issue with tape.

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Thanks - I either missed that text or it was updated :slight_smile:

If you measure really well and don’t need the carpet again, you can always go the spray paint route! :laughing:

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