Has anyone else done a Carputer?
Check out www.mp3car.com for more info.
I’ve been thinking about making something like this… those 7.2" LCD displays on eBay for $100 are making it look more affordable all the time.
I’ve been meaning to do something like this. I don’t seem to have the money to ever get into a project like this and there’s usually some other kind of computer-y thing I’m trying to build. I thought it would be interesting to get an old laptop with a large hard drive and an 802.11b/g antenna. Then when parked, it would find new MP3s on specified SMB shares. Problem is that I don’t know how quickly it would drain the car battery. Also, OEM sound (especially on laptops) are HORRID…but then again, so is the clarity on MP3s. Maybe I’ll make the VorbisCar
It’d be fun to go wardriving with an mp3 player and just download all the music on open shares
Its kinda odd how you go from nothing to something. But after seeing this thread, and threads on other car sites I frequent I’ve decided to take the plunge! I now have a 7" widescreen VGA touchscreen monitor, and a Mini-ITX motherboard running at 800mhz. Its still being set up, but will be going in the car in a few weeks. Heres a pic:
I also have Wi-Fi, with GPS coming sometime this summer. It will be mounted in my airbag compartment (pass side), and the screen will be mounted to the ceiling in front of the sunroof. All running into my headunit and controled with a timed shutdown controller, and a small DC-DC 120watt power supply.
That’s really cool. I hope you set up some sort of wireless netwrk so all you need to do is pull up in your driveway to download new songs on to it.