Catalyst 2013 adds Robot in 3 Days!

Hey CD world!

Catalyst 2013 has added a new robot that will be in an upcoming update! For more information about this and other fun stuff, be sure to check out our latest blog post!

As always, any suggestions, comments, and question should be fielded to [email protected] or the forums on our website!

great stuff, thanks for posting new robot models.

We have a couple kids on the team who really enjoy game design and they enjoy playing catalyst as a strategy tool !

Haven’t had the time to play 2013 yet, hopefully I’ll be able to soon. An idea for an update or future year: playing against computer controlled robots at varying levels. That would be really cool.

Awesome cant wait for the offical roleout of the game, and cant wait for it to come out on xbox live, and cant wait to see the requirements for team robots to be introduced in the game. Keep up the great work guys

I wanna play!

Looking forward to it, when is the update expected to occur?

Nice job guys! This is actually pretty cool and awesome! ::safety::

The update should be live right now!

For those that have already downloaded the game, the update will automatically take place the next time you play while you are connected to the internet. For those that have yet to download, visit and follow the download instructions!

For those of you interested, you can also take a look at the change log for the updates to Catalyst 2013!