Does anybody have any idea how to start either Catalyst 2012 or 2013?
I managed to get 2012 to start, but since they shut down the dbs servers, I can’t login anymore.
Has anyone found a workaround to this problem?
Does anybody have any idea how to start either Catalyst 2012 or 2013?
I managed to get 2012 to start, but since they shut down the dbs servers, I can’t login anymore.
Has anyone found a workaround to this problem?
2013 won’t open for me, it’s telling me to contact the creators.
I think its because clickonce requires the game to check with their server whether or not there is an update, but their servers don’t exist anymore therefore clickonce isn’t allowing the game to start.
Would it be possible to find a way to start the game offline?
2012 is pretty much a lost cause at this point.
2013 didn’t require you to be online. Still doesn’t make it open for me. :rolleyes:
Yeah… not sure if there’s a way to bypass the clickonce update vericiation so 2013 will be playable again
The 2012 version is available on Xbox 360, but on there it’s just a game not so much a simulator.
I tried searching around the game files, and editing some stuff in the deployment, but no luck. I managed to get 2012 to start however, so I’m trying to replicate that with the 2013 game
Using the link archived in this thread, I was able to download Catalyst 2013 and run it within the folder I installed it to, but it cannot run from the Start menu. Still have not found a 2012 mirror, however.
Were you able to start the game?
I have the 2012 game files if you want it, but it requires a login authentication but since their servers are down, it simpossible to get past the login.
Yes, I could start the game and play quick matches. Mind you, the version I was able to get was unpatched, so there are a few bugs that were later fixed (Walking tall being illegal, climber + walking tall = crash etc.)
Does it still currently work on Xbox? Thanks, Nick.
It does, and it’s only $2.99.
I’m trying to Install it now yet i keep getting an error saying i need SlimDX be installed in Global Assembly Cache, is there something i’m missing?