If I have some time while at the Championship, I’d like to take a tour of the rest of the catapults that are competing and see what designs those teams used to achieve success on the field and compare them to our own catapult to see how we stack up.
The catapults that I’m aware of include:
16 – spring-force based, right?
175 – no idea how this one works
488 – my team, fully pneumatic catapult; now with 100% faster reload time.
2928 - winner of Seattle Olympic regional; springs
45’s catapult is a pair of recurve bow (as in “and arrow”) limbs, pulled back by winding a strap around a spool with a motor, and released to shoot by pneumatically disengaging the motor. With the right ball basket, it’ll land basketballs consistently within a few inches every time.
Team 3081 will have a catapult at the champs! I am not entirely sure how it works but I have a picture for you! (I am assuming it is solely pneumatics based)
My team (714) is using a slingshot system. I’m not sure if you want to include that in your list.
We use a cannon like chamber through which we accelerate the ball with a plate attached to calibrated surgical tubing. Upon moment of release we add a backspin for consistancy in trajectory.
Good Luck to everyone at St. Louis! We’ll be in the Newton Division, see you all there!