Are all the pics on this site missing for anybody else? I had to search around to find an invisible “new thread” button just ot post this.
It works in Mozilla though.
Are all the pics on this site missing for anybody else? I had to search around to find an invisible “new thread” button just ot post this.
It works in Mozilla though.
I had problems ealier w/ the “go to new first post” showing up on the portal page for the past few days.
Same here. The reply button is not loading in the thread. And the only image I see of the 10 newest on the portal is that of Swamp Thing. This happened a while back too. We had a thread on it then. It was some internet worm or something I believe.
EDIT: No smilies either and the same thing is happening with eBay.
<music>Where have all the pictures gone? Long time ago…</music>
Good its not just me
Hey the smilies are gone too
i think this problem maybe more of a IE glitch then a problem w/ CD, b/c i have similar problems when i try and load this page w/ IE but it works perfectly fine when i load it w/ mozilla firebird.
try downloading the latest IE patch, that might solve the problem
umm…yea, i just realized patching IE doesnt fix the problem…so i dunno
I’m really surprised to hear this, I’ve had no problems viewing anything on this site, and I run IE. As well, I tried it in Netscape and had no problems. Perhaps it’s just a slow day on the server?
*Originally posted by computhief263 *
**umm…yea, i just realized patching IE doesnt fix the problem…so i dunno **
Yeah…I coulda told ya that, and I’m glad I’m not crazy. But as tom (I think) said above it works perfectly with Mozilla Firebird.
Yea, I had told Brandon about this earlier… and I rebooted and it worked fine then, but now the problem happened again with this thread. and things like the smilies aren’t visible and all… yet some images DO work,which makes no sense.
i’m not getting pictures on any websites, not just CD
*Originally posted by Solace *
**i’m not getting pictures on any websites, not just CD **
Same here. I tired it on my dad’s and brother’s computers though and all is well. So it’s not an internet problem, it’s an end user problem.
*Originally posted by sanddrag *
**Same here. I tired it on my dad’s and brother’s computers though and all is well. So it’s not an internet problem, it’s an end user problem. **
what OS are you guys using?
i’m having the same problem, and i have XP
The problem is showing on my laptop, running XP…hmmmm, someone in Redmond royally glitch something?
*Originally posted by RogerR *
**what OS are you guys using?
i’m having the same problem, and i have XP **
XP Pro here. But my dad’s and brother’s are XP Pro too and all is well. This is really annoying.
I’ve also been having this problem today, and its happening on a few other websites i visit. I’m running XP and Internet Explorer 6.
When i surf the net on Opera 7.11 all the pictures show up just fine so maybe its something to do w/ Internet Explorer 6?
Yeah…maybe some kind of new HTTP protocol update? I never expect Microsoft to be on the ball with these things…puts on open-source anti-flame suit
this has happend in the past a couple of times. i think its some kind of internet worm… but i think this time im blaming it on the sun flares!!!:ahh:
Yeah, me too, it’s a pain isn’t it? I did finally figure out the purpose to the bottom line thing that says at the end what your mouse is on top of. I knew there was a purpose for that… Anyone know whats wrong?
I to am having problems. I am runnung IE 6 and XP pro. It is not just this site, I have been expierencing problems on many other sites as well. I am thinking a worm, ne body really know wwhats going on.
-Greg The Great
Something major must be wrong…
You know when /. is dead, it’s the end of the world.
OK not really, but close enough for a geek.
If this is a worm, this could spell mucho disastero for the Internet. Slashdot is probaly one of if not the most consistent and well managed sites on the 'net, and it’s apparently been brought down…