From a recent thread/topic:
While I totally agree that there have been a number of pointless controversial threads/topics on CD, over the years I have come to accept that while maybe CD doesn’t need controversial threads, the FIRST community does need certain controversial CD threads. While in many cases, the discussion started elsewhere (r/FRC and come instantly to mind), a great many changes in rules, ranging from year-specific inspection and robot interaction rules up to “cheesecaking”, “the bag” and “the CAW/BOM” have apparently been effected as a result of controversial CD threads/topics.
I think that @mpirringer’s implied question of “what custom parts can we re-use” falls neatly into this locus of where Chief Delphi can make a difference; there really should be some ground between a shaft collar or a pocketed gear on the “yeah, that’s OK” side and a game-specific system on the “no, that’s not OK to reuse without modifications”. My first blush rule on this is something like: Non-COTS Parts produced prior to kickoff may not be used on the robot, unless plans for said part were published to the FRC community prior to 1 October of [the previous year]. (or pick another date no earlier than 1 June, giving teams enough time to publish previous year’s parts).
I’d also like “published to the first community” to be defined such that these publications provide sufficient information to produce the part - “interpretive dance” and such don’t count.