The rules:
-I am never ever gonna be eligible, unless I change the rule just before handing over control of the game to someone else.
-If it’s your image I pick, you’re not eligible.
-If you suggest an image and I pick it, you’re not eligible.
-Entries will be scored by me on originality, or in the absence of that, dry humor.
-First place gets ten points, second gets five, honorable mentions will be awarded at my whims.
“Oh no! An indoor thunderstorm is coming right for me! I decided to cover up in a trash bag to shed off the rain and hold a rubber ball with 180x insulation so I wouldn’t get shocked. Luckily good samaritan with blury limbs came to pull me out of harm’s way before my Diet Coke got all watery.”
next year’s human player element: the fastest to drink a diet coke releases the scoring object…leaves. then robots have to put the leaves in different scoring trash cans around the field.
“Ok, well if I position the ball in a certain way, it will look like a face… Hmm… What’s that? Oh, I have to rotate it 180 degrees?? Hey… like that’s our team number… Cool…”
Alright, after careful consideration, here’s what I’ve got:
First place: Jeff Wagelin. But only after I looked at the picture again.
Second place: Lil’ Lavery.1. Good thing it was SPAM, not the Firebirds.
Honorable Mentions: None, only because the honorable mentions would be everyone else.