CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #1002

It’s Tuesday. You know what that means.

The scores after the last round:

wgorgen 56
LuiTheFly 54
GaryVoshol 46
gellnick 45
EricH 39
cgmv123 38
Leap 30
Wayne Doenges 29
GeeTwo 11
Owen_Busler 8
kingc95 4
Andy Baker 2

The rules, for the newbies.

And the picture:

As usual, the deadline is nominally Sunday at midnight Eastern time.


Skynet’s early test models for Terminators, in this case the 1.0.02, had zero lethality as they couldn’t get close enough to any human to touch them before the human dodge, laughing.

This, of course, allowed Skynet to lure the humans into a false sense of security later on…

Here is an example of why human players need to read the manual. They missed the part about having to stand behind the glass to throw pool noodles.

Unlike many teams, 1002 did not begin construction of their practice field until the robot was ready for drive practice. And still managed to seed top ten at two regionals.

Robot: “Hey guys, look what I can do!”

Students: “Who cares. That’s boring. We need to practice for the important part of the game - throwing the noodles!!!”

The best part about Recycle Rush was training to “accidentally” hit the nearest referee with a pool noodle and “terrible aim”.

Student on left: “Where is the trash can? We need to pick up these pool noodles.”
The robot is trying to deliver the trash can, but sadly that wasn’t in the Autonomous code.

What if we could just make an agreement with the other alliance that we both dump our noodles on our side of the field instead of trying to launch them to the other side?

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Programming: “Guysssss get out of the way, we have to test the robot!”

Mechanical: “But we have to train for human player, it’s gonna be way more important, trust”

Let’s get judgy!

First place goes to:

Second place goes to:

And the burn award goes to:

Which means the scores are:

wgorgen 59
LuiTheFly 56
gellnick 50
EricH 49
GaryVoshol 48
cgmv123 40
Wayne Doenges 31
Leap 30
GeeTwo 13
Owen_Busler 8
kingc95 4
Andy Baker 2
