Alright, so this is a very special caption contest, posted early so those kooky Floridians can post before Jeanne messes with them. (Well, everyone else can post, too, but still.)
In fact, since Florida seems to be getting the short end of the stick this year, I’m instituting the Gary Dillard rule. What is the Gary Dillard rule, you ask?
Ah, so much fun trying to write serious rules. The scores:
greencactus3: 40
MissInformation: 26
Jeff Wagelin: 24
Michelle 236: 24
Gary Dillard: 18
Mike Ciance: 17
"Big Mike": 17
dlavery: 17
Andy Baker: 16
DCA Fan: 16
EddieMcD: 16
JVN: 16
Brandon Martus: 15
Elgin Clock: 15
Greg Needel: 14
Jay H 237: 11
Lil' Lavery: 11
Amanda Morrison: 9
Tom Schindler: 9
Astronouth7303: 8
Dorienne Plait: 7
T. Hoffman: 7
Vivelation: 7
Aignam: 6
BCahn836: 6
Matt Attallah: 5
RogerR: 5
Shyra1353: 5
Corey Balint: 4
Eugenia Gabrielov: 4
GateRunner: 4
George1083: 4
JosephM: 4
Ken Patton: 4
ZACH P.: 4
Andrew Rudolph: 3
Ben Lauer: 3
David Kelly: 3
Meli W.: 3
ECarlson: 2
Jessica Boucher: 2
Joe Ross: 2
Aaron Lussier: 1
Coco The Monkey: 1
Collin Fultz: 1
ElfMaster: 1
Kyle45: 1
Katie Reynolds: 1
sanddrag: 1
Faced with charges of animal cruelty, KFC hires newly trained “slaughterchickens” trained to humanely murder thier bretheren. PETA once again voiced concern, however, when it was revealed that the chickens began wearing shoes and prodding the corpses with metal sticks.
Chicken 1: Hey, what did one cannibel say to the other as they ate the clown?
Chicken 2: What did he say?
Chicken 1: ‘Does this taste funny to you?’
Both: Hahahahahha
Chicken in pot: Not funny.