CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #132

And there’s still daylight somewhere!

Here’s the scores:

Name    Total
Rich Wong    73
EddieMcD    70
Boiler    65
Wayne Doenges    65
MissInformation    61
Steve W    61
JaneYoung    55
Al Skierkiewicz    54
Lukevanoort    50
Mocat1530    49
Koko Ed    47
Skimoose    43
KathieK    40
GaryV1188    38
InfernoX14    37
Hiteak    36
Andy Baker    35
T. Hoffman    34
Cuog    33
Jay H 237    33
Cody C    32
EricS-Team180    32
Dlavery    30
Dave Scheck    29
Goober!!!    26
Andrew Blair    25
Greg Needel    23
Rich Kressly    22
KelliV    21
KenWittlief    21
Michelle Celio    19
“Big Mike”    18
Gary Dillard    17
Jgjedi10    17
Joe Matt    17
Arefin Bari    16
Dorienne    16
Kyle A    16
Schnabel    14
Rohith Surampudi    13
Icurtis    12
Nehalita    12
Artdutra04    11
EricH    11
Thegathering    11
BlondeNerd    10
Dylan    10
Raymaniac    10
Lil' Lavery    9
efoote868    8
Elgin Clock    8
Alex Cormier    7
anna~marie    7
Dhoizner    7
Rick Tyler    6
Ewankoff    5
Imajie    5
Killerofkiller    5
taylort    5
Tytus Gerrish    5
Conor Ryan    4
KarenH    4
1derboy    3
Bcahn836    3
Danielle H    3
EricRobodox    3
Eric W. Jones    3
Mister_Juggles    3
Tkwetzel    3
Alex Burman    2
Astronouth7303    2
Budda648    2
Calhounian    2
Freddy Schurr    2
Graduns340    2
JBotAlan    2
Jessica Boucher    2
LordTalps    2
Matt Krass    2
Mercury Rising    2
Ogre    2
robotcanuck1676    2
Daniel Brim    2
Adam Richards    1
AndyB    1
AtalanteStar25    1
Beth Sweet    1
Brandon Martus    1
Daisy    1
huff_dragon    1
Miketwalker    1
Team1591    1
tony.dalia.195    1
Worldbringer    1
Xzvrw2    1
trilogism    1
Djalamose    1

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is Saturday at midnight, unless you’re lucky.


I got a big drum and I’m not afraid to use it!

Just because you add wheels to something DOESN’T MAKE IT BETTER.


Oh Robodevils!!! Dinner’s READY!!! Runs away

“Row! Row!”

Having finally come to the realization that to build support for FIRST, a few “distractions” had to be eliminated from the minds of teenagers everywhere, Mr. Bloom picked up a large stick that was lying next to the marching band at Purdue. He proceeded to let the world’s largest drum have it. Not being totally familiar with the *other *side of the employment spectrum, however… he failed to realize ONE important factor.

Where’s teh blueman group when you need them/

You just can’t beat this!

They said no noisemakers in the pits or stands. I wonder if they can hear this from outside?

He would have hit the World’s Largest Triangle as well, but it had been brutally capped with a vision tetra.

At first, he was upset that the horse pulling his chariot turned into the world’s biggest drum, until he realized that his horse turned into the world’s biggest drum.

Stuart, “EVERY year it’s the same problem!!!

Right after the pizza lunch everyone takes a nap for an hour.

Well, RoboDevils… mah hah hah… Meet my little friend! "

Stu: “Dave, tell me what next years game is going to be!
Dave Lavery (from inside the drum): Never. There is nothing you can do to me to make me reveal the game.”
Stu hits drum
Dave: “AAAAggghhhh!!!. Ok, ok I’ll tell you Just don’t hit the drum again.”

I never noticed that the RoboDevils mascot looks just like Stu. Same evil grin and everything.

<nae>Boiler Up!</nae>

About halfway through build season, Todd Rundgren came upon Stu singing in the parking lot and low and behold, a hit song was created:
“I Don’t Want To Work,
I Just Want To Bang On The Drum All Day!”

Stu: “I don’t care what’s printed on the front of it, I’m telling you, it’s a piñata!!! A piñata full of sweet, sugary goodness! Now stand back 'cause I’m gonna get me some!”

All you need is a big drum and something to hit it with, and you can get away with anything.

Drum: Oh, no, not again! BOOOOOOMMM!

Stu takes Dean’s homework to heart as he prepares to march on Washington with his “Little Friend”. “Say hello to my Little Friend!” :yikes: