CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #147

It’s still Monday!

Here’s the scores:

EddieMcD    105
MissInformation    101
Rich Wong    97
Wayne Doenges    96
Boiler    92
JaneYoung    86
Al Skierkiewicz    85
GaryV1188    66
Steve W    65
Koko Ed    65
KathieK    60
Cuog    60
Mocat1530    54
Lukevanoort    54
Skimoose    54
InfernoX14    54
Travis Hoffman    51
EricS-Team180    49
Hiteak    49
Andy Baker    46
Cody Carey    45
Mister_Juggles    43
Jay H 237    39
Joe Matt    39
efoote868    38
Dave Scheck    36
Dlavery    33
EricH    33
BlondeNerd    30
Icurtis    29
Andrew Blair    29
Goober!!!    29
Raymaniac    26
Michelle Celio    25
Greg Needel    23
Rich Kressly    22
KenWittlief    21
KelliV    21
“Big Mike”    21
taylort    20
Schnabel    20
Arefin Bari    18
wpdrummer    17
Gary Dillard    17
Thegathering    17
Jgjedi10    17
Artdutra04    16
Dorienne    16
Kyle A    16
Rohith Surampudi    13
Jessica Boucher    12
Barry Bonzack    12
Nehalita    12
65_Xero_Huskie    11
Dylan    10
Lil' Lavery    9
Dhoizner    9
Alex Cormier    9
Elgin Clock    8
anna~marie    7
Pavan    7
Rick Tyler    6
Danielle H    6
Eric W. Jones    5
Imajie    5
Tytus Gerrish    5
Ewankoff    5
Killerofkiller    5
trilogism    5
Zyik    5
Don Rotolo    4
KarenH    4
LordTalps    4
Conor Ryan    4
Kyle    4
SizzelChest330    4
Beth Sweet    3
EricRobodox    3
Tkwetzel    3
1derboy    3
Bcahn836    3
ALIBI    2
Budda648    2
Calhounian    2
Daniel Brim    2
Graduns340    2
JBotAlan    2
Jonathan Norris    2
Matt Krass    2
Mercury Rising    2
kawelch    2
Alex Burman    2
Astronouth7303    2
Courtneyb1023    2
fluffy    2
Freddy Schurr    2
MattD1Drift    2
Ogre    2
robotcanuck1676    2
Adam Richards    1
AndyB    1
AtalanteStar25    1
Brandon Martus    1
Daisy    1
Djalamose    1
Eldarion    1
eshteyn    1
huff_dragon    1
i_am_Doug    1
Jack K.    1
Jeff 888    1
looneylin    1
Marc P.    1
Miketwalker    1
Peter Matteson    1
Team1591    1
tony.dalia.195    1
Wetzel    1
whlspacedude    1
whytheheckme    1
Worldbringer    1
Xzvrw2    1

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is theoretically Saturday at midnight EDT. (This week, I might actually almost judge it on time–this last week of classes has been killer.)


Kid: My mommy says I’m a rack…

Little Johnny realized that maybe he HAD used too much hair gel. It’s reflectiveness, combined with the Florida sun, made for an interesting autonomous.

Driver- That counts for extra points, right? I mean, it is a running target!

The new tagging system for the daycare center isn’t too efficient… or practical…

spiderlegchild: I know what I want to be for Halloween!
And I know who I want to take me trick or treating.
The people from MARS and their robot!

Kid: My parents said that I was a keeper and defiantly not a spoiler.

/flashback to those old commercials…

“Wheres the cream filling?”

Initiation for future FLL members.
Who’s next?

Don’t worry. Just stand very still and this won’t hurt a bit… :eek:

Girl in pink: “Yea, the robot caught my sister and is going to take her away! Now I get my own room!”

Introducing the teacher approved, FIRST child safety bumper. No more will teachers have to worry about their students getting injured on the playground.
Each bumper is sized to the student and applied by one of our patented robotic arms.

Disclaimer: This product is not a life saving device

Looks like our team membership is running low - let’s go to the *FIRST FARM**and see what we’ve got. Ooh, looks like this one is ripe!

*Future American Robot Manipulators

Cute picture. It’s a shame Dave thought he was a doughnut…

That MARS robot isn’t very good at giving swimming lessons…

The itsy-bitsy spider kid
approached the bot with doubt.
Down came the arm and freaked the spider out.
Up went the cries of “I’ll sue!!!” from the mom,
and the itsy-bitsy spider kid was never rung again.

Driveteam: steady…steady…
Coach: Nice and easy guys, if we screw this one up our team is hosed.
Driveteam: now lower…slowly… Got it!
Coach: Good practice. Now lets use the kid as a ramp.

A text message received by Team 1523:
"Yo Team MARS!
How is everyone back in Jupiter, Florida.
My summer job at Wet-N-Wild Water Park is the best.
My duties are to load the young visitors at the Kiddie World with floaters.

The job is pretty easy and the tips are pretty good.
Soon I will have enough funds for my fare to the
Hawaii Regional in 2008.

Gotta Go! The line is queuing up outside.
Your 2007 robot.
PS- I would like an extra battery."

The problem with this picture is that the keeper is both too high and not deflated. Also, the robot seems to need a new auto mode. The green is still several feet away.

Cuteness won’t save you when the robots attack