Greg: "OK, the information I’m picking up from the camera looks great.
Man in blue shirt: “Yea, the program is working too. It’s tracking the light.”
Man in white shirt: “Should I be picking up the Total Gym infomercial?”
Mr. Ross: So why is our control-check robot PINK?
Joe (on the left): I don’t know. Hey, stop ruining the code!
Mr. Steele: Ask the girls why it’s pink. And Joe, I thought you were the one putting the bugs in!
Joe: I’m not doing it.
Mr. Ross: You did it though–your CVS server is down again.
Joe: *My *CVS server??
Mr. Steele: OK, calm down, both of you. We still have to get the camera working so the other two programmers can have the robot for the other sensors. We still have ten hours before ship…
Guy in red- I can’t believe this stuff
guy in blue- your telling me back in my day we were entering code on stone with a hammer and chisel.
guy in red- for what? programing dinosaurs?
Guy in red: What’s that?
Guy in blue: Quickly minimizes Umm…nothing
Guy in white: I told you, looking up cheat codes does NOT make you a better video game player!!