Amanda knew her plan to signal directions to her team with the Chicken Dance moves was going to run into problems the moment the real Chicken Dance started up…
Amanda: “Woohoooo!! C’mon guys let’s go! sings to the Chicken Dance song Do do do do do do do…do do do do do do do…do do do do do do do clap clap clap clap Wooo this is fun! Man I wish I was a little kid again!”
Brandon Martus: “You practically are…” gigglesnort
After being bombarded all day at competition by people reconizing her from Chief Delphi, Amanda became deranged and started doing the chicken dance. It took several days before she was declared “normal” again.
Upon hearing the words “You are completely surrounded, come out with your hands up!” Amanda knew it was all over… however they never did find Billfred’s body…
Convinced she was the best out there, Amanda recieved powers from the all mighty Dance God, Richard Simmons, to strike down Simon Cowell in his fancy American Idol leather chair. Police pronouced him dead on impact, but were perplexed on how they still heard his raspy voiced insults throughout the room.
“ …… now….before we start the Kickoff let us…
Dean is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me immerse myself in science and technology,
He leads me beside a promising career,
He inspires my team,
he leads me in the paths of Gracious Professionalism.
Yea, though I walk through the 6 week of robot building hell,
I will fear no delays: for thou art with me;
Thy team updates and Chief Delphi forum they comfort me.
Thou prepare a regional before me in the presence of mine competitors,
Thou anoints my head with paint and goofy hats; my robot’s winnings runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my regionals:
and I will dwell in the finals of the Championship for ever.
Woo, woo, woo…”