Here we go!
The scores after the last round :
EricH 97
rocketperson44 91
Taylor 88
Travis Hoffman 86
GaryVoshol 82
Don Rotolo 74
JaneYoung 74
kramarczyk 71
Wayne Doenges 71
Karibou 68
lingomaniac88 60
Al Skierkiewicz 59
Barry Bonzack 42
rtfgnow 40
EricS-Team180 37
SlaminSwimster 32
AndyB 23
Anna B. 22
acdcfan259 19
Steve W 19
InfernoX14 17
Andy Baker 15
Lions for First 15
Schnabel 14
Rich Wong 13
Water Bandit23 13
FoXy92 12
KathieK 12
Akash Rastogi 12
Michelle Celio 10
BlondeNerd 10
tim_reiher 10
Elgin Clock 9
dodar 8
Enigma's puzzle 7
bobwrit 7
George1902 5
typharn91 5
Diriye 4
RMiller 4
"Big Mike" 4
Greg Needel 3
taylort 3
ZakuAce 3
cobrawanabe1699 3
FlyingCrayons 3
Dan Swando 2
Hachiban VIII 2
James1902 2
Jay H 237 2
Jeff Rodriguez 2
KarenH 2
Katie_UPS 2
The Pre 2
andrew348 2
LittleSwimmer14 2
basicxman 1
Chief Pride 1
Cuog 1
Dorienne 1
Kyle 1
Libby K 1
MoeMom 1
Protronie 1
Raumiester2010 1
Rick TYler 1
skimoose 1
whlspacedude 1
Zach Purser 1
Zyik 1
And this week’s photo:
(Yeah, there’s more recent material of them that would certainly qualify…but no school like the old school, right?)
As always, the deadline is sorta kinda not really Saturday at midnight Eastern .
March 2, 2009, 1:12am
Wayne models the new FRC medal design. Libby came up with it.
(What nobody seems to notice, however, is the Big Mike behind the pile of tubes debating: “Do I REALLY want to bearhug either or both of them?”)
Now all he needs is for one of them game pieces to get punchered and he would have a beautiful skirt to go with that crown
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - you decide.
(Debler grumbles, “My odds aren’t too good in this contest.”)
March 2, 2009, 9:08am
There’s no “I” in “TEAM”, but there’s one in TIARA, PRINCESS, and an M&E in EMCEE!
March 2, 2009, 10:30am
…a few spider legs short of a full rack if you ask me.
The sad thing is that Princess Wayne could become a popular doll and marketed as Princess Barbie’s bff and the product would fly off the shelves. Especially with his pet unicorn (not shown).
(singing)“I feel pretty, oh so pretty…”
Nothing like Rogers and Hammerstein to brighten up the day.
Wayne: omg… omg… it’s dean… Wait, I’m wearing a tiara. Dang it, not again…
Wayne, forgetting his forehead protectors, decided to improvise hoping no one would notice.
I think this is our best strategy yet, Wayne tickles their drivers with his fairy wand and I cover the rack in ringers.
Wayne is excited because after the regional, he gets to go play dress-up with Andy Baker.
March 4, 2009, 7:52pm
guy in green: HEY! I thought i got named Princess
Libby: Nope, hot stuff over here wins!
Wayne - I can’t believe I let her dye my hair. Ooh wait I did that"
March 7, 2009, 10:08pm
Wayne: Imagine if this got on chief del looks at crowd O NOES!!
Wayne is practicing his Queen For A Day routine before the final three are decided.
What’s this? Judging during daylight? Must be this whole daylight savings time thing.
First place goes to:
Second place goes to:
Honorable mentions go to:
Steve W
Wayne Doenges
And the burn award goes to:
Which means the scores are:
EricH 99
Taylor 98
rocketperson44 92
Travis Hoffman 87
GaryVoshol 84
JaneYoung 76
Don Rotolo 75
Wayne Doenges 73
kramarczyk 71
Karibou 68
lingomaniac88 60
Al Skierkiewicz 59
rtfgnow 45
Barry Bonzack 42
EricS-Team180 37
SlaminSwimster 32
AndyB 26
Anna B. 22
Steve W 21
acdcfan259 19
InfernoX14 17
Andy Baker 15
Lions for First 15
Schnabel 14
Rich Wong 13
Water Bandit23 13
FoXy92 12
KathieK 12
Akash Rastogi 12
Michelle Celio 10
BlondeNerd 10
tim_reiher 10
dodar 9
Elgin Clock 9
bobwrit 8
Enigma's puzzle 7
typharn91 7
George1902 5
Diriye 4
RMiller 4
"Big Mike" 4
Greg Needel 3
taylort 3
ZakuAce 3
cobrawanabe1699 3
FlyingCrayons 3
Dan Swando 2
Hachiban VIII 2
James1902 2
Jay H 237 2
Jeff Rodriguez 2
KarenH 2
Katie_UPS 2
The Pre 2
andrew348 2
LittleSwimmer14 2
basicxman 1
Chief Pride 1
Cuog 1
Dorienne 1
GillSt.Bernards 1
Kyle 1
Libby K 1
MoeMom 1
Protronie 1
Raumiester2010 1
Rick TYler 1
skimoose 1
whlspacedude 1
Zach Purser 1
Zyik 1