CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #258

You’ll have to be on top of your game this week, dawg.

Here are the scores after the last round:

Taylor	141
rocketperson44	136
Travis Hoffman	131
EricH	126
Don Rotolo	125
GaryVoshol	116
JaneYoung	108
Wayne Doenges	104
Karibou	101
kramarczyk	91
lingomaniac88	83
Al Skierkiewicz	77
Barry Bonzack	70
rtfgnow	63
AndyB	56
EricS-Team180	37
SlaminSwimster	32
Steve W	32
dodar	31
Anna B.	30
Akash Rastogi	24
Rich Wong	22
acdcfan259	21
InfernoX14	19
bobwrit	19
Andy Baker	17
typharn91	17
Lions for First	15
Schnabel	14
Jeff Rodriguez	13
Water Bandit23	13
FoXy92	12
KathieK	12
Enigma's puzzle	12
Michelle Celio	11
BlondeNerd	10
rsisk	10
tim_reiher	10
Elgin Clock	9
boomergeek	8
Dan Swando	8
RMiller	8
andrew348	7
George1902	5
Chris is me	5
Mr. Pockets	5
Diriye	4
Tito H.	4
"Big Mike"	4
Greg Needel	3
taylort	3
whlspacedude	3
ZakuAce	3
Alex Cormier	3
cobrawanabe1699	3
FlyingCrayons	3
GillSt.Bernards	3
Hachiban VIII	2
James1902	2
Jay H 237	2
KarenH	2
Katie_UPS	2
NorviewsVeteran	2
Pat McCarthy	2
The Pre	2
basicxman	2
LittleSwimmer14	2
Raumiester2010	2
Rick TYler	2
Chief Pride	1
Cuog	1
Daniel_LaFleur	1
Dave Scheck	1
Dorienne	1
ExarKun666	1
Ioski	1
Kyle	1
Libby K	1
MoeMom	1
mtaman02	1
Protronie	1
Richard	1
skimoose	1
Zach Purser	1
Zyik	1

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is theoretically sorta kinda Saturday at midnight.


I’ve never eaten Jaguar before. Tastes like thunderchicken…

Andy: $10 better be enough for me to eat this!

Andy; top of the food chain

Andy: Yeah I’m that great.

[NPOE] Wow, Sunday night and everything…[/NPOE]

(adopting Homer Simpson persona) Mmmmm. Jaguar. <drool>
No, it won’t “get your motor running” if you eat it.
“Wait - I haven’t wired it yet”
No, this is not how to “get wired”
Misunderstanding the comment “that Jaguar is fried”, Andy B prepares to visit the dentist.

Here we see part of the Luminary Micro Jaguar production line. BwaaHaaaHaa…and you thought we built them?

[NPOE2]Knowing the rules, I know that only the last entry counts. Just thought I’d give a little insight into my thought process for a Caption Contest entry. We’re getting close to the end of this one…[/NPOE2]

AndyB never gets any birthday cake, due to a worldwide shortage generated by the other Andy B(aker)'s birthday celebrations just two days earlier. This year he resorts to eating excess robot parts instead.


(how was I the first person to post that?)

A well fed AndyB can actually produce a dozen Jaguars in less than a day, ejecting the complete devices through his mouth

And this children is where we produce the Jaguar Electronic Speed Controllers. Do not try this at home, Andy has been trained since birth to produce only the highest quality ESCs.

<not an entry>
Seriously, this is NOT a jab against the Jaguars or their manufacturing process, I just wanna know if this is a violation of any workplace safety rules.
</not an entry>

Andy the speed controller connoisseur tastes his first Jaguar:

“Hmmmm, Full-bodied texture…yet very light and flaky…has a distinct smoky aroma… This product is well-suited for bold risk-takers who like to live dangerously…”


Introducing the FIRST diet: A jaguar for breakfast, one for lunch, and a sensible dinner!

Everybody dreams of becoming a cyborg, but this is ridiculous!

Stumped as to how to fit everything onto his control board, Andy chews on the problem a little.

Uhhh waiter, this Jaguar is burned…I requested it only be fried…:mad:

Andy fell asleep in electronics class and had a dream that his mother made him a big batch of brownies. Andy ate all of them.
When he woke up all of the jaguars, in class, were missing.

I should’a gone to private school.


Cat got your tongue, Andy?

Dictionary of FIRST Idioms - “Put your Speed Controller in your mouth”

Definition- You “Put your Speed Controller in your Mouth” when you say something that makes your veteran team member feel embarrassed in front of the rookies.

Top 3 “Put your Speed Controller in your Mouth”

  1. “Oh, don’t worry about reverse wiring, it will not damage the Jaguar.”
  2. “Voltage? Sure anything from 12v-18v will work with no problem.”
  3. “Don’t worry about ventilation, that is what the fan shield is for.”

See Caption contest photo #258.