Akash Rastogi 10
Barry Bonzack 5
AndyB 3
Al Skierkiewicz 2
Daniel_LeFleur 2
GaryVoshol 2
JaneYoung 2
KarenH 2
Karibou 2
kramarczyk 2
lingomaniac88 2
Matt Attallah 2
Mr. Pockets 2
rocketperson44 2
rsisk 2
Taylor 2
Travis Hoffman 2
bobwrit 1
Chief Pride 1
Chris is me 1
dodar 1
Don Rotolo 1
EricH 1
Lil' Lavery 1
NorviewsVeteran 1
rtfgnow 1
Steve W 1
Wayne Doenges 1
youngWilliam14 1
Being an engineer on the cutting edge of innovation and all…how the heck did Raul not see the takeover of his own creatures coming? …Oh right, those championship banners were blocking his view.
Welcome to Wildstang: the leaders in robotic innovation. Wildstang makes all other robots obsolete. Doing dishes, delivering the mail, patrolling the cities for crime, activities that you know as done by humans will soon be a thing of the past. Wildstang robots will be everywhere, functioning in ways you can only imagine, including national defense. But that is only the beginning. Soon Wildstang will launch its newest technology in computer networking, allowing all Wildstang robots to communicate with one another and be completely autonomous from all human control; Skynet…
Wildstang’s 2009 robot attempts to pick up a Wild Cell. While worth over 100 points, it requires the robot to detach the cell from a “commander torso”, located in the middle of the field.
Local Robotics Team Invents Revolutionary MRI Machine
This new device takes Magnetic Resonance Imaging to the next level, where the patient need not remain motionless. In fact, its scanning technology is so advanced it can even capture and diagnose reluctant patients without the use of external restraints!
Medical, law enforcement, and veterinary professionals will find it useful for scanning the mentally ill, small children, criminals–even wild animals. Includes lie detector at no extra charge.
This is what happens when you steal from Beatty - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9cvZ_HKrCw - the built in super-secret decoder-ring comes in the design. And when it’s activated,the robot turns on you.
Here we see Wild Stang’s answer to the problem of having enough 2009 playng pieces. It can replicate any Cell from organic or inorganic material thus it’s also great for the environment. Here we see it ingesting a UDT (Unidentified Dead Thing).
This is Raul’s way of being “one with the bot” by getting a new perspective on mechanical design. Successful as it was, it needs more work before being released on an unsuspecting public.
In 2009, Wildstang built a robot that could rip people’s heads off. By threatening referees and opposing pilots, they managed to breeze through Einstein undefeated and take the championship title.
I don’t even want to know what kind of monstrosities they committed to earn the Chairman’s Award a few years back…