CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #269

I’m on a quest to get this posted before midnight!

Here are the scores after the last round:

lingomaniac88	32
Akash Rastogi	29
Travis Hoffman	27
kramarczyk	24
rsisk	21
AndyB	20
rocketperson44	17
GaryVoshol	16
Ryan Simpson	15
Taylor	15
Barry Bonzack	14
JaneYoung	14
Karibou	14
Mr. Pockets	13
Daniel_LaFleur	12
EricH	12
dodar	11
Don Rotolo	11
rtfgnow	11
Wayne Doenges	11
bobwrit	10
MissInformation	9
Rich Wong	9
Al Skierkiewicz	8
Chris is me	8
Matt Attallah	7
Steve W	6
KarenH	4
Katie_UPS	3
Cynette	3
Austin H	2
Boydean	2
Greg Needel	2
Jared341	2
Rick TYler	2
RMiller	2
Tito H.	2
jmanela	2
NorviewsVeteran	2
andrew348	1
Chief Pride	1
Cody Carey	1
Lil' Lavery	1
Spiffizzle	1
Stephen of REX	1
Stormnnormn	1
youngWilliam14	1

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is theoretically Saturday at midnight Eastern. I should be settled in the new condo and with internet access by then–failing that, I suppose there’s always becoming a member of the county library with a quickness.


Wow, 269, way to NOT think outside the bot…i mean box.

Inspector: I’m going to have to require you to rebuild your entire robot.
269: What? What did we do?
Inspector: Power may only come from gravity, the 12-volt and 9-volt batteries, springs, and pneumatics.
269: But it does!
Inspector: I don’t see anything allowing you to run that shooter off any of those. In fact, it looks like it runs on Mountain Dew and Doritos.
Robot: You want some Doritos too? throws ball at nearest vending machine They’re on the house.

(idk if its too late to join in, but id like to, if thats okay…)

When they said they had a lot of human interaction, they weren’t kidding…

Team 269 decided to try something unique for their robot in 2006: no drive train, no wheels, no potential for motion whatsoever. Their “robot” was just a team member on a chair surrounded a wood-and-metal frame. Nobody was surprised when they came in last place.

Aim for the refs.

Size limit? - check
Weight limit? - check
Safety? - check
Read the rules on human players? - Aww, missed that part about staying behind the glass. 10 point penalty.

Dang, think of the loss of ball capacity =

In the off season Cooney Quest decided to do a little Mythbusters with a twist. If a three sided pyramid is thought to have magical powers then adding a fourth side and some batteries might do even better. The experiment tests which goes foul first, freshman or balls. Tune in next week for only time will tell…

Dude, take the purple pill, it will bring you out of the Matrix!

Remember how exotic robot designs were before the mandatory bumper rules were in place?

Please don’t pinch me and tell me to wake up, I’m - living - the dream.

And that, Jimmy, is why we build before week six.

Team 269 flaunts the rules once again, since it was in fact a different freshman who came in the KoP.

The only useful use for a freshman

The judges were duly impressed with 269’s inter-dimensional drive system, which has not been seen since the competition ended.

2006 : Human Players on the field
2009 : Human Players on the outpost
2012 : Human Players from the stands

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You can tell Andy’s not a parent. $0.00?
[/not an entry]

[also not an entry] You can also tell he’s forgotten what the weight limit was in 2006–that’s an illegal robot by weight, and I don’t think amputation would exactly be a good idea.[/also not an entry]