As always, the deadline is theoretically Saturday at midnight Eastern. I should be settled in the new condo and with internet access by then–failing that, I suppose there’s always becoming a member of the county library with a quickness.
Inspector: I’m going to have to require you to rebuild your entire robot.
269: What? What did we do?
Inspector: Power may only come from gravity, the 12-volt and 9-volt batteries, springs, and pneumatics.
269: But it does!
Inspector: I don’t see anything allowing you to run that shooter off any of those. In fact, it looks like it runs on Mountain Dew and Doritos.
Robot: You want some Doritos too? throws ball at nearest vending machine They’re on the house.
Team 269 decided to try something unique for their robot in 2006: no drive train, no wheels, no potential for motion whatsoever. Their “robot” was just a team member on a chair surrounded a wood-and-metal frame. Nobody was surprised when they came in last place.
Size limit? - check
Weight limit? - check
Safety? - check
Read the rules on human players? - Aww, missed that part about staying behind the glass. 10 point penalty.
In the off season Cooney Quest decided to do a little Mythbusters with a twist. If a three sided pyramid is thought to have magical powers then adding a fourth side and some batteries might do even better. The experiment tests which goes foul first, freshman or balls. Tune in next week for only time will tell…
[also not an entry] You can also tell he’s forgotten what the weight limit was in 2006–that’s an illegal robot by weight, and I don’t think amputation would exactly be a good idea.[/also not an entry]