CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #271

Here we go!

First place goes to:

Second place goes to:

Honorable mentions go to:

  1. rocketperson44
  2. Travis Hoffman
  3. Barry Bonzack
  4. Don Rotolo
  5. rsisk
  6. dodar
  7. DRAKE343
  8. lingomaniac88
  9. delsaner
  10. rtfgnow
  11. kramarczyk
  12. Al Skierkiewicz

And the burn award goes to:

Which means the scores are:

lingomaniac88	36
AndyB	33
Travis Hoffman	33
Akash Rastogi	32
kramarczyk	29
JaneYoung	27
Taylor	27
rsisk	26
Ryan Simpson	24
rocketperson44	22
EricH	21
GaryVoshol	21
Don Rotolo	20
Barry Bonzack	18
Karibou	18
rtfgnow	17
Mr. Pockets	16
Wayne Doenges	15
Al Skierkiewicz	14
dodar	14
MissInformation	13
Daniel_LaFleur	12
bobwrit	12
Rich Wong	11
Chris is me	10
NorviewsVeteran	8
Steve W	8
Matt Attallah	7
Katie_UPS	7
delsaner	4
KarenH	4
Greg Needel	3
Cynette	3
Austin H	2
Boydean	2
DRAKE343	2
Jared341	2
Rick TYler	2
RMiller	2
Tito H.	2
jmanela	2
andrew348	1
Chief Pride	1
Cody Carey	1
Lil' Lavery	1
Spiffizzle	1
Stephen of REX	1
Stormnnormn	1
youngWilliam14	1
