CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #309

Here we go!

First place goes to:

Second place goes to:

Honorable mentions go to:

  1. kramarczyk
  2. GaryVoshol
  3. Ryan Simpson
  4. Steve W
  5. Katie_UPS
  6. Al Skierkiewicz
  7. Taylor
  8. dodar

And the burn award goes to:

Which means the scores are:

JaneYoung	133
Taylor	133
GaryVoshol	131
Ryan Simpson	125
rsisk	119
Don Rotolo	116
lingomaniac88	113
EricH	113
rtfgnow	96
kramarczyk	95
Travis Hoffman	81
Karibou	81
Al Skierkiewicz	67
Mr. Pockets	63
Wayne Doenges	62
AndyB	56
BrendanB	45
delsaner	41
Akash Rastogi	39
Katie_UPS	38
dodar	38
Chris is me	33
Barry Bonzack	31
NorviewsVeteran	29
Rich Wong	27
rocketperson44	24
jmanela	19
bobwrit	18
Barngirl425	15
Lee Reid 3136	14
The Cyborg	14
MissInformation	13
Daniel_LaFleur	12
Vermeulen	12
Steve W	11
DRAKE343	8
Matt Attallah	7
cooker52	5
Josh Fox	5
skimoose	5
RMiller	5
J93Wagner	5
KarenH	4
Dan Swando	4
kstl99	4
nitneylion452	4
FinleyM	3
Greg Needel	3
JackG	3
Spiffizzle	3
Cynette	3
Kage	3
rulesall2	3
Austin H	2
Boydean	2
Jared341	2
O'Sancheski	2
Rick TYler	2
Tito H.	2
Mrs.Drake343	2
Phoenix Spud	2
andrew348	1
basicxman	1
Chief Pride	1
Cody Carey	1
cziggy343	1
dman14	1
Graham Donaldson	1
Lil' Lavery	1
nighterfighter	1
Q. Sheets	1
rcmolloy	1
Schnabel	1
Stephen of REX	1
Stormnnormn	1
youngWilliam14	1
