CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #373

It’s that time again!

The scores after the last round:

Joe G.	39
GaryVoshol	31
EricH	27
kstl99	22
JaneYoung	18
rsisk	18
George1902	17
dodar	16
EricS-Team180	16
Katie_UPS	15
DonRotolo	14
Taylor	14 17	13
Wayne Doenges	12
Ninja_Bait	12
Al Skierkiewicz	11
HedgeHogGal99	10
Molten	10
rachelholladay	10
Karibou	9
jgw	9
DRAKE2751	8
Bill_B	8
Rangel(kf7fdb)	7
rtfgnow	6
Andy Baker	5
PAR_WIG1350	4
Colin P	3
Chris is me	2
Cynette	2
akoscielski3	2
stundt1	2
Alex Cormier	1
LemmingBot	1
msimon785	1
SparxProgrammer	1
SuperNerd256	1
plnyyanks	1
Aerosound	1

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is sorta kinda nominally Saturday at midnight Eastern.


Team 1024 was glad they found a new sponsor, but not so happy about the build space donated by Leslie’s Pool Supply.

Getting ready for the post-Irene east coast regionals.

Team 1024 was thrilled to find out that their mentor was selected to be part of the 2013 GDC to help create a working water game.

well now i can’t even try… that’s hilarious

The field reset crew is going to be SO wrinkled by the end of the weekend.

The ultimate implementation of the water game proved to be a little challenging. On the negative side, on-field repairs like those shown here were clearly more difficult. On the positive side, overheating motors and robots catching on fire were no longer a concern!

The GDC explores the possibility of a water game for 2013. The experiment ended when the robots blocked some of them from returning to the surface until their air ran out.

After Hurricane Irene team 1024 decided to help show how the east coast teams could still work on their robots under water, unfortunately they lost most of their good tools when they sank

After years of violence between man and machine, they finally settled their differences. The truce was completed with a handshake.

O great, it’s actually a water game. Now we have to find another type of game to waste baseless speculation on. THANKS GDC!

The robots agreed to seal the deal on a 2013 water game

Extreme Underwater Video Games: Pong Edition

“If we’re able to plug the Gulf oil spill, this will be chairman’s gold!”

Reasons why the water game shouldn’t have a “human player” element.

And you thought it would never happen - a useful game hint.

Human:“It’s dangerous to go alone, Take this to heal yourself”

You obtained an adjustable metric crescent wrench!!!
What do you want to do?
A)Thank him, maybe he can help you later.

“Okay, I should be just fine down he…DEAR GOD A SHARK!!!”
Unfortunately, our underwater friend here is only armed with a large wrench versus a 1-ton swimming freight train…that has teeth…

The mentor is actually the fat, orange, stripey one.

“…when I am going to learn to keep my hand down in class!!!”