Because the robot is equipped with mecanum wheels, it’s able to drive circles around the defenders (as seen in the bottom right, struggling to keep up).
Woodie Flowers: “Intoducing the 2013 FIRST game…Goal Tender Bots”
Crowd: “OOOOOHHHhhhhh.”
Woodie Flowers: “Well, you all wanted a water game, you just didn’t specify what state the water had to be in.”
Week Before the Picture was Taken:
Owner of the North Charleston Coliseum- “Wait Wait wait… So tell me one more time why you want me to allow you to put anything that is “Burning” onto my Ice Rink?”
I think Team 342 took it a little bit too literally when they heard that their hopes of having a water game were frozen over…Well, at least now they’re ready!
Attempts to duplicate Wildstang’s classic stacking trick from 2007 don’t work as well when a) one robot is an android, b) the playing field has zero traction, and c) everybody’s watching you!