CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #392

It’s still Sunday!

The scores after the last round:

JaneYoung	93
Taylor	-infinity
EricH	77
GaryVoshol	68
rsisk	63
Katie_UPS	60 17	59
Joe G.	52
DonRotolo	51
Ninja_Bait	50
Al Skierkiewicz	49
Wayne Doenges	49
EricS-Team180	47
Molten	46
Karibou	45
rachelholladay	40
jgw	37
Bill_B	33
dodar	31
kstl99	28
IndySam	26
Aerosound	25
PAR_WIG1350	23
HedgeHogGal99	18
George1902	17
dlavery	17
SuperNerd256	17
Frenchie461	16
Travis Hoffman	14
akoscielski3	14
Rangel(kf7fdb)	12
Hallry	9
DRAKE2751	8
iPenguin	8
Dr Theta	7
rtfgnow	6
Colin P	6
Q. Sheets	6
Cody Burd	6
Andy Baker	5
Chris is me	4
LemmingBot	3
kramarczyk	3
BeltSanderRocks	3
Cynette	2
flameout	2
Flak-Bait	2
Nick Lawrence	2
O'Sancheski	2
stundt1	2
plnyyanks	2
Tyler Olds	2
Alex Cormier	1
msimon785	1
SparxProgrammer	1
GCentola	1
Barry Bonzack	1
robokiller	1
nitneylion452	1
~Cory~	1
delsaner	1
Kyle A	1
CNettles11	1
Sam Drake	1
Littleswimmer14	1
P. Fuller	1
Grim Tuesday	1

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is nominally Saturday at midnight Eastern.


Water game, Manitoba-style.


“Lunacy is played on a 27 by 54 foot field…”

Because the robot is equipped with mecanum wheels, it’s able to drive circles around the defenders (as seen in the bottom right, struggling to keep up).

Aw cmon ref! It’s obvious! Everyone thinks it was icing! Now, you will have to determine whether it’s too many men on the ice.

“promoters are even thinking about the possibility of an off-season ice game”

This is the ultimate off season event - Lunacy played on frozen water with human players riding their bots.

Ever wondered how southern teams learned to drive for lunacy?

Woodie Flowers: “Intoducing the 2013 FIRST game…Goal Tender Bots”
Crowd: “OOOOOHHHhhhhh.”
Woodie Flowers: “Well, you all wanted a water game, you just didn’t specify what state the water had to be in.”

Introducing the next generation zamboni!

Captain Morgan: The Early Years

It’s nice to see that FIRST robotics is tailgate approved.

“Oh, I must down to the seas again, to the lonely seas and the… ice?
And all I ask is a tall… bot… and some code to steer me by… ce…”

NPOE: Thank you John Masefield!

It’s kinda sad, since it’s Couples Night at the skating rink.

Until this, the rules of ice hockey did not explicitly state that you had to wear skates…

Tighten down that battery Mr. Turner!

Week Before the Picture was Taken:
Owner of the North Charleston Coliseum- “Wait Wait wait… So tell me one more time why you want me to allow you to put anything that is “Burning” onto my Ice Rink?”

Aren’t you glad there’s no safety helmet rule?

I think Team 342 took it a little bit too literally when they heard that their hopes of having a water game were frozen over…Well, at least now they’re ready!

Attempts to duplicate Wildstang’s classic stacking trick from 2007 don’t work as well when a) one robot is an android, b) the playing field has zero traction, and c) everybody’s watching you!

Probably the FIRST time a robot was ever called for iceing