Is that the light at the end of the tunnel, or a robot with one of those ring lights on it?
The scores after the last round:
Taylor 110
JaneYoung 105
EricH 103
rsisk 82
GaryVoshol 80
DonRotolo 76
Katie_UPS 66 17 65
Ninja_Bait 63
Al Skierkiewicz 62
Wayne Doenges 58
EricS-Team180 57
Joe G. 52
Molten 51
Karibou 47
rachelholladay 47
jgw 45
Bill_B 41
dodar 36
Aerosound 33
PAR_WIG1350 30
kstl99 28
dlavery 27
IndySam 26
SuperNerd256 26
HedgeHogGal99 18
George1902 17
akoscielski3 17
Frenchie461 16
Travis Hoffman 14
Hallry 14
Rangel(kf7fdb) 12
Dr Theta 11
DRAKE2751 8
nitneylion452 8
iPenguin 8
rtfgnow 6
Colin P 6
Q. Sheets 6
Cody Burd 6
Andy Baker 5
Chris is me 4
LemmingBot 3
kramarczyk 3
Flak-Bait 3
BeltSanderRocks 3
CNettles11 3
Cynette 2
flameout 2
Nick Lawrence 2
O'Sancheski 2
stundt1 2
plnyyanks 2
Tyler Olds 2
Alex Cormier 1
msimon785 1
SparxProgrammer 1
GCentola 1
Barry Bonzack 1
robokiller 1
~Cory~ 1
delsaner 1
Kyle A 1
Sam Drake 1
Littleswimmer14 1
P. Fuller 1
Grim Tuesday 1
Mr. Pockets 1
Jeff Rodriguez 1
mesamb1 1
jdh042397 1
And the picture:
As always, the deadline is theoretically Saturday at midnight Eastern.
Doing the worm, FRC-style. Might help if the bridge went across the entire field, though.
Since the weight combination is equivalent to 3 robots i think it should be 40 points. It’s okay you can lose the extra pounds after the season…
Two words: Extreme Planking
Mike & Justin landing after flying home from St. Louis. Talk about cheap!
Ever since FIRST stopped including the Lead Screw in the KOP, teams have had to find more “sophisticated” ways to keep their students entertained.
If they ever remove the iGus Cable Carrier from the KOP, we are doomed.
Is that a new version of the Cha-Cha Slide? Another reason for Koko Ed and I not to take part.
After being caught goofing around, Mike and Justin were told to put their heads down and get to work. It didn’t help.
Testing a possible move for kinect control…
2 planks does not a robot make.
Man these are extreme plankers they can balance too.
Unable to find two FRC batteries to test their bridge, the team had to resort to more…unconventional…measures.
You have to find some way to work out during build season…even if it is just improving your balancing endurance. Gotta look impressive for the ladies!
Mike: “wow! gotta love the view from here!”
Justin: “Sure Dude…it just floors me”
…And in conclusion we decided not to build a robot this year.
In a case of one upmanship these two students tried to out do each other by planking. Unfortunately they missed their first regional.
Most teams prototype robot designs, so the question I have is this the beginning of prototyping or the end?
Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down - they plank.
(New entry)
Body surfing, Kansas style.
(Shh! Don’t tell them there’s no water!)