It’s that time again!
The scores after the last round:
Taylor 132
JaneYoung 128
EricH 126
rsisk 112
GaryVoshol 101
DonRotolo 92
Ninja_Bait 82
EricS-Team180 80 17 79
Al Skierkiewicz 71
Wayne Doenges 68
Katie_UPS 66
rachelholladay 60
Karibou 55
dodar 54
jgw 54
Aerosound 53
Joe G. 52
Molten 51
Bill_B 45
PAR_WIG1350 43
SuperNerd256 37
IndySam 29
kstl99 28
dlavery 27
akoscielski3 25
nitneylion452 21
Hallry 20
HedgeHogGal99 18
George1902 17
Frenchie461 16
Travis Hoffman 14
Rangel(kf7fdb) 12
Dr Theta 12
Josh Drake 9
Colin P 9
cgmv123 9
DRAKE2751 8
iPenguin 8
rtfgnow 6
Q. Sheets 6
Cody Burd 6
Andy Baker 5
Chris is me 4
Peck 4
LemmingBot 3
kramarczyk 3
Flak-Bait 3
stundt1 3
BeltSanderRocks 3
CNettles11 3
Cynette 2
flameout 2
Nick Lawrence 2
O'Sancheski 2
Brandon_L 2
Alex Cormier 2
plnyyanks 2
Tyler Olds 2
In1g0M0nt0ya 2
msimon785 1
SparxProgrammer 1
GCentola 1
Barry Bonzack 1
robokiller 1
~Cory~ 1
delsaner 1
Kyle A 1
Sam Drake 1
Littleswimmer14 1
P. Fuller 1
Grim Tuesday 1
Mr. Pockets 1
Jeff Rodriguez 1
mesamb1 1
jdh042397 1
Peter Matteson 1
popnbrown 1
gracie. 1
And the picture:
As always, the deadline is nominally Saturday at midnight Eastern .
April 16, 2012, 9:10pm
Planning his evil scheme; But what else could you expect from the name O’Sancheski?
April 16, 2012, 9:13pm
His poker face doesn’t show that he has 4 aces… but his shirt reveals two of them.
April 16, 2012, 9:14pm
Sancheski: That guy has a blurry ear…giggle giggle
April 16, 2012, 10:16pm
o crud, that wasn’t supposed to blow up… and that blue smoke probably isn’t a good sign… That is going to be a few thousand points down the drain. Better get serious.
Practicing holding my breath for the water game.
April 17, 2012, 12:54am
The most important skill a driver must possess is the ability to stay focused while those around you devolve into a blur.
Why, yes, I am just compressing some coal into diamonds.
No, it is not going very well.
Good job, that match blew our chances of getting picked, but I still get to clap and look like nothing’s wrong.
I stole their MOJO, but I don’t have any place to put it. It must be really good cause it tickles!
April 17, 2012, 8:28am
Look, I know there’s a lot happening around you, but just focus .
High goals are 6, low goals are -2, co-op bridge is 4… CANT KEEP UP. GOING TO LOSE THE COUNT… NOOO!!! That’s it, I’m just going to stick with counting cards, it’s so much easier.
April 18, 2012, 10:16am
New entry:
Alright, who put the crazy glue in the hand sanitizer?
O’Sancheski caught in a rare moment of placid internal reflection on the meaning of life.
I knew I should have made sure there were no metal shavings in my hands before I started clapping. Ouch!
Filles de Montreal, votre as est arrivées!
/npoe> Girls of Montreal, your ACE has arrived! <npoe/
My plan is coming together. First have robots that play basketball built by unsuspecting students. Next have robots play against NBA players and beat them. People will see how inferior humans are and will embrace my robots. Now if I can just get the bots to slam dunk.