CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #446

We’ll post this one fast.

The scores after the last round:

JaneYoung	102
Taylor	102
Wayne Doenges	81
rsisk	79
GaryVoshol	59
cgmv123	57
rachelholladay	56
iPenguin	54
EricS-Team180	53
EricH	52
Al Skierkiewicz	51
DonRotolo	49
Jim Wilks	47
Aidan S.	42
dodar	39
dictionaria13	34
Peck	33
akoscielski3	31
Karibou	29
PAR_WIG1350	29
skimoose	19
SuperNerd256	18
Barry Bonzack	17
Andy Baker	14 17	13
Littleboy	10
Bill_B	9
Danny Diaz	5
Cuog	5
JosephC	5
Joe G.	4
Gregor	4
J.Warsoff	4
Tottanka	3
Travis Hoffman	3
Kyle A	3
Ninja_Bait	2
Nick Lawrence	2
kramarczyk	2
Boe	2
Rangel(kf7fdb)	2
O'Sancheski	1
Dsisk	1
Dchandler	1
Dr Theta	1
IndySam	1
Steve W	1

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is nominally Saturday at midnight Eastern.


“We just fundraised $5000 for registration, and you spent it all on balloons?”

After year’s of pranking each other, 118 and 148 teamed up to give Andy Baker’s office a more “personal” touch.

And you thought the poof basket balls took up to much space at AndyMark. These new game pieces came inflated by mistake and they had to use all available space for storage.

Looks like someone’s been reading through the archives of XKCD lately and got inspired.

So this is what happens to a bowl of Jelly Belly candies when a low pressure storm runs through Indiana.

Andy Baker, a man in charge of his kingdom. Come my minions!

Andy Baker - “Welcome to Lunch with Andy, for lunch today is Balloons!”

Only Andy Baker can find time to party during build season.

One of those balloons contains an AndyMark gift card. We’re going to drop them in the pits during Championships. Chaos will not ensue, we promise. :wink:

Why is Andy smiling? The balloons are filled with Nitrous Oxide, and some of them popped…

AB: Okay, which one of these has my keys?

Andy needs more lessons from IRI ref Marc Solomon so he can make cool balloon hats for his girls.

What you don’t see: the 3940 balloons that already fled under the Baker stare. They’re already reforming themselves into gearboxes. The 45 remaining will become wheels–Andy just hasn’t looked at them yet.

Not expected

Andy’s ideas often balloon into big projects, but they aren’t all full of hot air.

When the guest list for the upcoming events ballooned out of control, Andy threw himself a pity party.


Here we see Andy Baker enjoying a bubble bath.

You and I, and a little machine shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we’ve got
Set them here by the break of dawn
'Til Andy is back, then we’re gone

Back at base, bugs in the software
Flash the message, “Andy’s out there”
He views the room with a sigh
Ninety-nine FIRST balloons sit by

(new entry)
Little known fact: AndyMark sells genuine “Andy Baker Breath” (AM-0314, $5.25) for teams needing “a breath of inspiration” (their quote, not mine). Here we see Andy creating more inventory.