CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #448

It’s still Monday!

The scores after the last round:

JaneYoung	114
Taylor	106
Wayne Doenges	92
rsisk	83
cgmv123	62
GaryVoshol	61
rachelholladay	60
EricH	59
EricS-Team180	57
DonRotolo	56
iPenguin	56
Al Skierkiewicz	53
Jim Wilks	50
Aidan S.	42
dodar	42
dictionaria13	37
Peck	33
akoscielski3	32
Karibou	29
PAR_WIG1350	29
skimoose	19
Andrew Lawrence	19
Barry Bonzack	17 17	16
Andy Baker	14
Littleboy	13
Bill_B	9
Danny Diaz	5
Cuog	5
JosephC	5
Joe G.	4
Gregor	4
J.Warsoff	4
Kyle A	4
Tottanka	3
Travis Hoffman	3
Ninja_Bait	2
Nick Lawrence	2
kramarczyk	2
Boe	2
Rangel(kf7fdb)	2
O'Sancheski	1
Dsisk	1
Dchandler	1
Dr Theta	1
IndySam	1
Steve W	1

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is nominally Saturday at midnight Eastern.


And the light bulb goes on in this student’s head.

New ring light slogan

Green ring lights help kids see a brighter future. Literally.

Here he is, all bright eyed and bushy-tailed…

[npoe] I wants. But in purple, because that would be awesome. [/npoe]
OK, now I get it! No wonder the Wizard of Oz made everyone wear green spectacles in the Emerald City! Everything looks so much cooler!
[npoe] Warning: if you have not read the book, this may not make much sense. But much of my childhood was spent with my nose in one book or another, so… [/npoe]

Captain of the robotics team, cool electric goggles, spiffy hair cut… Still can’t get a date for Roboprom

Sure, the song is cute, but it’s really not that appealing When Irish Eyes Are Smiling. At least nobody accused him of looking at life through rose-colored glasses. ER MAH GERDS ERN DA CERLIN!

Having heard the old Sugarloaf song “Green Eyed Lady” one too many time, he knew what he needed to do…

When laser surgery goes really bad :ahh:

Night Vision Rings! :smiley:

Those arc reactors work pretty good

Very tired and exasperated mentor: Here, let me see those things.

::smash, smash, smash some more::

There, fixed 'em for ya.

The rules said we had to wear safety glasses. They never said how safe they need to be on the inside.

The team decided to decorate for Christmas:

“OK, let’s string up a couple strands of lights in the rafters.”

“And hang some snowflake cutouts.”

“And decorate the freshman with these glowing mini-wreaths.”

(Maybe they should have taken down the gourds and grapevines from Thanksgiving first.)

With a very unpleasin’, sneezin’ and wheezin’, the robot, Calliope, fell off the pyramid and crashed to the ground, and the driver was blinded by the light.

In a daring new strategy, this team has decided to put vision tracking not on their robot but on their driver. Results pending.

Some say robots with cameras are necessary to test vision code with. We disagree. Freshmen with two eyes work just as well.

Even with the vision targeting, he managed to run into a door. He later ran into a table. We’re not moving past alpha test.

…the flaw in Thad’s superpower - everyone knows when he’s green with envy.

It’s always fun to convince the rookies that we know how to make x-ray glasses………………but based on this kids grin maybe they really do work!!!