CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #469

Sorry for the delay, everyone–stymied first by a bird, then by my browser not getting that no, I didn’t want to use my back button!

First place goes to:

Second place goes to:

Honorable mentions go to:

  1. DonRotolo
  2. cgmv123
  3. Wayne Doenges
  4. rsisk
  5. Tom Ore
  6. Karibou

And the burn award goes to:

Which means the scores are:

Joe G.	10
Taylor	5
Don Wright	3
DonRotolo	2
cgmv123	2
Wayne Doenges	2
rsisk	2
Tom Ore	2
Karibou	2
EricH	1
bardd	1
GaryVoshol	1
rachelholladay	1
Jim Wilks	1
Littleboy	1
