CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #514

It’s still Monday!

The scores after the last round:

Wayne Doenges	138
Taylor	137
EricH	120
GaryVoshol	117
DonRotolo	107
rsisk	105
Jim Wilks	102
Al Skierkiewicz	99
cgmv123	91
dodar	79
efoote868	67
bardd	48
Pault	36
Littleboy	27
jwallace15	26
delsaner	25
TheCascadeKid	24
Jay Money 1058	20
Brandon1266	17
Jon Stratis	17
Tom Ore	17
rachelholladay	17
Bill_B	16
Don Wright	15
Andrew Lawrence	15
Joe G.	12 17	12
orangemoore	12
J.Warsoff	11
Navid Shafa	7
mdituri	6
JohnFogarty	5
Karibou	4
Kyle A	4
Can1s_Major997	4
sarah_storer	3
Jay O'Donnell	3
dubiousSwain	3
Jay H 237	2
IndySam	2
George1902	2
The Doctor	2
Herbblood	2
Invictus3593	2
safiq10	1
Katie_UPS	1
XenoPhobic	1
MetalJacket	1
AndyBare	1
jblay	1
Bryce Paputa	1
JosephC	1
jspatz1	1
Rich Wong	1
m1506m	1
Matthew1998	1
TOTCoach	1

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is nominally Saturday at midnight Eastern.


In FIRST, there are blue shirt judges interviewing for awards, green shirt judges making sure you yell “ROBOT!” and the lesser known fashion judges in their sporty grey jumpsuits.

Names are so overrated–too easy to duplicate. Numbers are far more efficient.

Assuming, of course, that they can be distinguished at a distance of 100 feet, have a white border, and are on red or blue background, which these are NOT.

I always thought it was a little weird to name a prison after a high school robotics team.

This team is so good, it oughta be a crime!

You know you can take serial numbers a little too far.

Cue up 1974 Steely Dan music…

“Rikki don’t lose that number
It’s the only one you own
You might use it if you feel better
When you get home”

Clearly these guys won’t be losing that number anytime soon.

You can always tell which one is the senior. They have the higher mileage.

They only realized the problem with testing a handcuffing robot on themselves after they were both forced to ask for help eating lunch.

In 1981 a student named Jenny started the numbering system for their team, giving herself the number 8675309. Ever since then, they’ve been counting down… a few more years and they’ll have to ask Tommy Tutoneto give them a new number to start with!

For you youngsters out there…
Wait, why am I saying youngsters… that came out 4 months before I was born!

Thing 1 and Thing 2.

St. Louis was crazy this year. The police were called in Friday morning to arrest two guys at the event. They were charged with one month jail sentence for civil disobedience and a G28 for contact within another robot’s frame perimeter.

Yes, that is what their mother named them.
She did the math.

Einstein 2012 culprits being taken into custody :ahh:

Too soon?

Now that we have drivers #002 and #001, we’re still looking for the coach #000, public enemy #0.

It’s still Monday!

First place goes to:

Second place goes to:

Honorable mentions go to:

  1. dodar
  2. cgmv123
  3. Jon Stratis
  4. Taylor
  5. Navid Shafa
  6. rsisk

And the burn award goes to:

Which means the scores are:

Wayne Doenges	143
Taylor	139
EricH	123
GaryVoshol	118
DonRotolo	117
rsisk	107
Jim Wilks	103
Al Skierkiewicz	100
cgmv123	93
dodar	81
efoote868	68
bardd	48
Pault	36
Littleboy	27
jwallace15	26
delsaner	25
TheCascadeKid	24
Jay Money 1058	20
Jon Stratis	19
Brandon1266	17
Tom Ore	17
rachelholladay	17
Bill_B	16
Don Wright	15
Andrew Lawrence	15
Joe G.	12 17	12
orangemoore	12
J.Warsoff	11
Navid Shafa	9
mdituri	6
JohnFogarty	5
Karibou	4
Kyle A	4
Can1s_Major997	4
sarah_storer	3
Jay O'Donnell	3
dubiousSwain	3
Jay H 237	2
IndySam	2
George1902	2
The Doctor	2
Herbblood	2
Invictus3593	2
safiq10	1
Katie_UPS	1
XenoPhobic	1
MetalJacket	1
AndyBare	1
jblay	1
Bryce Paputa	1
JosephC	1
jspatz1	1
Rich Wong	1
m1506m	1
Matthew1998	1
TOTCoach	1
Brad Hanel	1
