CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #530

I started writing this on Monday, so that still counts!

The scores after the last round:

cgmv123	37
Jon Stratis	33
EricH	31
Jim Wilks	26
DonRotolo	25
GaryVoshol	20
rsisk	20
efoote868	19
Taylor	18
Wayne Doenges	17
dodar	16
Al Skierkiewicz	14
orangemoore	12
Jay O'Donnell	8
Daniel_LaFleur	3
IndySam	2
MARS_James	2
Tom Ore	1
Bruce Newendorp	1

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is nominally Saturday at midnight Eastern.


DING! I have an idea. Let’s not use this Kinect.

Light! Camera! IN-action!

grumbles from other volunteers C’mon, man, everybody knows it’s 3-2-1-Go!

Hey France, guess what!

We are building a Statue of Liberty for you. Unfortunately, due to budget cuts we had to select our model from the lowest bidder.

The Logic-al solution would be to use a Ladder, but those haven’t been around FRC since 1998.

My best Statue of Liberty play!

This light is lighting up the entire arena. It’s the equivalent of a 10,000 watt incandescent bulb, but it’s only using 8 watts!

Fear me and my mic, I have the awesome power to cause FEEDBACK!

Eric said “Let there be light”
And there was and the light was good till the head ref unplugged him and asked him to get off the field.

Those Kettering grads are so bright.

On the first day, Dean Kamen said “Let there be light”.

On the second day, Dean Kamen said “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the [clean] waters from the [dirty] waters”

On the third day, Dean Kamen said… These kids can figure out the rest!

New entry

Eric: “I have invented anti-gravity!”
Eric turns on light and his arm slowly rises
Eric: “See, my arm is defiying gravity.”
Eric turns off light and his arm slowly lowers
Eric: “Tada.”

Eric poses as a lighthouse in solid anticipation that the FRC 2015 game will be a water game and thus he will have provided by far the best hint about it.

Otherwise, there’s always 2016 game…

♪♫This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine♫♪

Give me your flat tires, your dead batteries,
Your huddled drive team, yearning to win,
The wretched comms of your WiFi LAN,
Send these, the winless, yellow-card’d to me,
I lift my lamp beside the playing field.

*With apologies to Emma Lazarus *

Still Monday, still working hard!

First place goes to:

Second place goes to:

Honorable mentions go to:

  1. Jim Wilks
  2. dodar
  3. EricH
  4. GaryVoshol
  5. DonRotolo

And the burn award goes to:

Which means the scores are:

Jon Stratis	43
cgmv123	38
EricH	33
Jim Wilks	28
DonRotolo	27
Taylor	23
rsisk	23
GaryVoshol	22
efoote868	20
dodar	18
Wayne Doenges	18
Al Skierkiewicz	15
orangemoore	12
Jay O'Donnell	8
Daniel_LaFleur	3
MARS_James	3
IndySam	2
Tom Ore	1
Bruce Newendorp	1
