CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #531

It’s that time again!

The scores after the last round:

Jon Stratis	43
cgmv123	38
EricH	33
Jim Wilks	28
DonRotolo	27
Taylor	23
rsisk	23
GaryVoshol	22
efoote868	20
dodar	18
Wayne Doenges	18
Al Skierkiewicz	15
orangemoore	12
Jay O'Donnell	8
Daniel_LaFleur	3
MARS_James	3
IndySam	2
Tom Ore	1
Bruce Newendorp	1

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is nominally Saturday at midnight Eastern.


FIRSTers in the wilds:

“I wonder how small the motors and servos in these things are. What language could they be coded in? Where’s the battery located?”

Girl in the Back: OMG there’s birds!?! RUNAWAY!!!
Guy in Blue: Sweetheart, can you take your purse back please?

Testing prototypes for the 2015 game Chicken Scratch! Mark declares “this game is for the birds!”

My goodness, that bird is embarrassed to be seen with Mark.

Mark: “You know these are the last two parrots in the world. We will use them to repopulate the species.”
Parrots: “It’s been nice knowing you John.” “It’s been nice knowing you too Tom.”

You think the focus is supposed to be Mark, his daughter, and the birds. BUT the real story is the person in the background who is either jumping or slipping down the hill…

Now that we have gained the flock’s trust, we can begin to learn the secrets to their way of life and fashion.

I mean, it’s a nice photo and all, but the REAL story is the 3rd parrot who TOOK it…

[NPOE]I just can’t compete with Taylor’s entry. sigh. [/NPOE]

Another celebrity’s* naked** photo was hacked.

(* - FIRST celebrity at least)
(** - birds)

Red Headed bird: “What’s with the camera?”
Green Headed bird: “Forget that, here’s more seed!”
Red Headed bird: “It’s amazing how well we can train these humans”
Green Headed bird: “Keep it up, I want more seed!”
Red Headed bird: “When do I get a turn at the seed”
Green Headed bird: “Um just let me finish up here first…”

Daughter: Oh, father, I do wish you would give up this inhuman hunt.
Mark: We’re not huntin’ inhumans. We’re huntin’ birds.
Birds, in unison: Tweet!!!

For you youngsters out there, look up the 1961 classic animated short, “Birds of a Feather” with the lovable cat Sylvester and his son, Sylvester Jr!

Still Monday! (If you worked out in the heat and storms selling programs at the USC-Georgia game for seven-plus hours, you’d be wiped too!)

First place goes to:

Second place goes to:

Honorable mentions go to:

  1. Jim Wilks
  2. Wayne Doenges
  3. DonRotolo
  4. rsisk

And the burn award goes to:

Which means the scores are:

Jon Stratis	48
cgmv123	38
EricH	34
GaryVoshol	32
Jim Wilks	30
DonRotolo	29
Taylor	26
rsisk	25
efoote868	21
Wayne Doenges	20
dodar	19
Al Skierkiewicz	15
orangemoore	12
Jay O'Donnell	8
MARS_James	4
Daniel_LaFleur	3
IndySam	2
Tom Ore	1
Bruce Newendorp	1
