GaryVoshol 59
Jim Wilks 58
cgmv123 54
EricH 50
Jon Stratis 49
DonRotolo 48
Taylor 42
efoote868 34
rsisk 30
Wayne Doenges 29
dodar 27
Al Skierkiewicz 23
MARS_James 19
orangemoore 16
Jay O'Donnell 8
Barry Bonzack 4
Daniel_LaFleur 4
IndySam 2
Tom Ore 1
Bruce Newendorp 1
No offense to the kid but if he wants to actually have a chance at getting the lift bonuses at the end of the match he’s going to have to start going to a gym that isn’t in a pokemon game.
What we all didn’t realize at the time was this was clearly a game hint for a game years in the future: The shoes on the left are clearly made of retro-reflective material
They sold their control system and motors to get enough money to convince the inspectors to pass them. It was not a bribe. They were very clear about that.
“Now I see the problem, it’s right here!”
While it is important to become one with your robot, it is not necessary for you to completely tear it down to find a minor problem.
(Max, we can’t be bought…but we can be rented.LOL)
Sorry about the delay, guys. I worked late and more or less flopped into the bed!
First place goes to:
Second place goes to:
Honorable mentions go to:
Wayne Doenges
Al Skierkiewicz
Jim Wilks
And the burn award goes to:
Which means the scores are:
GaryVoshol 64
Jim Wilks 60
cgmv123 56
Taylor 52
EricH 51
Jon Stratis 49
DonRotolo 49
efoote868 35
Wayne Doenges 31
rsisk 30
dodar 29
Al Skierkiewicz 25
MARS_James 20
orangemoore 16
Jay O'Donnell 8
Barry Bonzack 4
Daniel_LaFleur 4
Andrew Lawrence 3
IndySam 2
Tom Ore 1
Bruce Newendorp 1