CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #60


Here’s the scores:

Name	Total
EddieMcD	23
MissInformation	23
Gary Dillard	22
Nehalita	21
Jay Trzaskos	20
“Big Mike”	19
Rich Wong	18
Jay H 237	16
Arefin Bari	14
Amanda Morrison	13
Dlavery	13
EricS-Team180	12
T. Hoffman	10
Dorienne 007	10
Kyle45	9
Koko Ed	8
1derboy	8
Ashley Christine	8
Pat McCarthy	7
DanielBCR	7
DCA Fan	7
KathieK	7
Bcahn836	7
EricH	7
Brandy836	6
Miketwalker	6
Xzvrw2	6
Al Skierkiewicz	5
Dave Scheck	5
Icurtis	5
KarenH	4
Alex Cormier	4
Andy Baker	4
Cyberguy34000	4
JosephM	4
Kjhobin	4
Spears312	4
Cdr1122334455	3
Richardp	3
Ryan Foley	3
Tiffany34990	3
Andrew Rudolph	2
Elgin Clock	2
Greencactus3	2
Kevin Kolodziej	2
Meredith343MiM	2
RoboMom	2
Squirrelrock	2
Denman	2
Goober!!!	2
Liz C	2
Mechanicalbrain	2
anna~marie	1
Barry Bonzack	1
Ben Lauer	1
Budda648	1
First degree	1
Greg Needel	1
John Wanninger	1
KyleGilbert45	1
Lisa Perez	1
Matt Attallah	1
Termite233	1
Tytus Gerrish	1
Wetzel	1
Wilshire	1

And the picture:

(This is a turnaround record for the caption contest–this picture was taken yesterday morning.)

As always, the deadline is Saturday at midnight.


Dori-“Don’t take that picture or you’ll be sorry”
Billfred- " yea sure ok"
Dori- Uncaps coke- “You asked for it”
Billfred- " uh oh"

This picture was taken shortly after Billfred was hosed down with coke. Notice that 75% of the bottle is now empty.

If you must drink and drive, drink coca-cola
(dori, of course, can’t handle both so drinking will do)

<not an entry> i love you dori don’t kill me </not an entry>

“Don’t look at me like that, I always put on my RCU headband everytime I open up my Coke ever since that one little incident. Remember, when they shook it up on me and when I opened it it shot out everywhere and soaked my hair and then I had Coke dripping on my face for the rest of the day. The headband atleast will keep it from running in my eyes if it happens again.”

“mine, it’s all mine! muhahahahaha”

Dori - “Come here children, and try some of my wonderful elixir! It is the wonderful syrup of life, and source of all things good! Try just a taste, and your life will be different forever! It’s OK, it is all free (at first)!”

Wild-eyed Henchman - “… life … different … forever! … Must … have… more!”

Here is Firster Dorrie demonstrating that Hip Hop can be accompanied by a Coke bottle.

"(whump whump whump) Go First! (whump) Go First! (whump) Say Hey! (whump ) Say Hey! (whump ) Go First! (whump whump whump) PHISHHHHHHHH

DSAK stands back stage and wonders if they could use a percussion section and can they afford the beverage costs.

Hello… my name is Dori.

(all) Hello Dori!

Thanks to all of you at ChiefDelphi Anonymous, I am proud to say it’s been 13 days since my last “Who am I” picture upload.

(all) /applause

(Billfred, from the back of the room) mmuuuhahahahaa!

Andy B.

A not-so-covert operative of the RC Cola Underground pilfers some of the enemy’s product to dump a little civil disobedience down Billfred’s pants.

Billfred: Oh no… Dori’s the new 007!!!
Kid in the background: Dori has a license to kill?!?!
Billfred: Of course not, do you think the British Secret Service is stupid!! She has a license to drive… that’s dangerous enough!!

Dori: This is my ONLY chance to get a picture with this kid. Come on Seth, take just ONE picture.

The Kid: (Talking to his friend in a really ghetto way) …yo man… this ain’t working for me… Your standard is so low… is this what you call “cute”?

see this? this is our secret way of pumping our tanks up in 10 seconds flat! a bottle of coke with about enough coke in it to cover the bottom of the bottle when you tilt the bottle to a 45 degree angle. actually its not an about. its exactly. but its a secret. so i cant tell you if shaking it 23 times (counting one up and down motion as one shake) in 10 seconds with evenly spaced shakes is gonna work or not.

<sidenote> this caption sucks. i gotta think of a new one…

Looks like the Coke bottle was shaken first and there was a distinct lack of coordination…Dori aimed at Billfred, but turned her shirt the color of soda!

guy in back with glowing red eyes: (in an uncharacteristically deep voice) Your Coke will soon be mine…
guy in back: (uses telekinetic powers to suck bottle into hand)
Dori: (says some witty statement about getting coke back)
guy in back: (goes into cliche martial arts pose and makes “bring it” hand signal)
Dori: (goes into similar pose)
Billfred: (sets camera to movie mode)
(Matrix-style fight breaks out with guy in back and Dori flying around whenever they jump)
Billfred: (captures obligitory “camera rotates around fighters while they’re frozen in mid kick” shot)
Phil: (grabs coke, drinks it, then runs for safety) Ha! Ha! The Coke is mine!

“Due to record high Mountain Dew prices, people have been forced to use less effective fuels in their systems. Note Dori’s eyes are only partially open, indicating that her Coke hasn’t completely woken her up.”

Dori: Look, I found this half empty bottle of Coke…and this strange ring around my neck.
**Robot in Back: **They’re thieves. They’re thieves, they’re filthy little thieves. Where is it? Where is it? They stole it from us. My Precious. Curse them, we hates them! It’s ours it is, and we wants it.

Selected Scene from Dori and the Zombies

Dori: Turns around ahhh Zombie
Zombie (Guy in the background): Muuust Beattt Dorrrri
Dori: Wait till he sees my Coke, mwhaahaahahaaha



Dori: I am practicing on sohwing my sponsors labels so that win I get into NASCAR I can fit right in.