CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #602


The scores after the last round:

Taylor	117
GeeTwo	115
EricH	110
GaryVoshol	86
Wayne Doenges	84
cgmv123	77
efoote868	66
rsisk	51
dodar	50
MARS_James	46
DonRotolo	42
thatprogrammer	31
Kevin Leonard	24
Jim Wilks	24
Ichlieberoboter	20
Al Skierkiewicz	20
DohertyBilly	19
mastachyra	16
Sperkowsky	15
Matthew1998	10
orangemoore	10
MaGiC_PiKaChU	9
Poseidon1671	7
Jacob Bendicksen	6
白巨人	6
IndySam	4
The_ShamWOW88	4
bobjones227	3
EmileH	3
Vale	2
Nick Lawrence	2
nickyflash	2
Rman1923	2
dubiousSwain	2
Bob Potts	2
Ari423	2
AndyBare	2
nxtmonkeys	2

The rules, for the newbies.

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is nominally Sunday at midnight Eastern.


Making sure YOUR team is in consideration for the Safety Award–hey, can’t hurt, right?

You trade anything? What can I get for my brother?

What does he like?

No, as in what can I trade my brother for?

“What’s that? Your house is on fire? Sorry, madam, I cannot help you with that. You have reached the Naval District FIR Department - I believe you’re trying to contact the FIRE Department. You’ve dialed nine-one-two.”

Chief: On the bright side, we got to meet a lot of people we normally wouldn’t. We got a lot of safety pins, even a cool hat and glasses. But no, I would never go back. There were too many people yelling ROBOT! in my ear, I’m going to go deaf.

The chief wondered why the EMT’s needed so many equipment replacements.

Student in black shirt: “Is this the very rare 10th anniversary FIRST pin?. I’ve got to have it. How much?”
Fireman: “30 bucks.”
Student: “Sold”
Fireman reaches under table and retrieves another 10th anniversary pin.

If the EMT table became a button trading post, does that mean that the EMTs became… gasp button traders? The robotics match is doomed!

Why is it a bad thing that the only use for the EMT table is a button trading post. Do you want people to get injured? What do you have against people living their lives uninjured?

This looks like a great chance to try out that new electromagnet. We can sweep the table.

You trade anything? Hm… What will you take for your hat?

It’s still Monday (central time)!

First place goes to:

Second place goes to:

And the burn award goes to:

Which means the scores are:

GeeTwo	125
Taylor	119
EricH	112
GaryVoshol	88
Wayne Doenges	86
cgmv123	80
efoote868	71
rsisk	51
dodar	50
MARS_James	46
DonRotolo	42
thatprogrammer	31
Kevin Leonard	24
Jim Wilks	24
Al Skierkiewicz	22
Ichlieberoboter	20
DohertyBilly	19
mastachyra	16
Sperkowsky	15
Matthew1998	10
orangemoore	10
MaGiC_PiKaChU	9
Poseidon1671	7
Jacob Bendicksen	6
白巨人	6
IndySam	4
The_ShamWOW88	4
bobjones227	3
EmileH	3
Vale	2
Nick Lawrence	2
nickyflash	2
Rman1923	2
dubiousSwain	2
Bob Potts	2
Ari423	2
AndyBare	2
nxtmonkeys	2
TGurlik	2
