Instead, I give you the rules. (Other rules have been created, but these are the ones that see use.)
Since the format worked well last year, we’ll be maintaining the twos-for-everybody honorable mentions. One particularly good zinger will receive the burn award and three points. Singles will be reserved for blatant copycat entries or the truly incomprehensible.
There have been some updates to the rules over the years:
(“Working” gets a rather liberal interpretation, mind you.)
Since then, the only thing that’s changed is the deadline: **Sunday at midnight Eastern, **though entries posted afterward will count if they’re posted before I open the thread to score it.
You’ve faced off against red shells–and won.
You’ve faced off against blue shells–and won.
We shall see how you do against GREEN SHELLS. Beware the CRyptonite coating, as it has a strong weakening tendency when used against you!
Dang it, everyone else on the drive team spiked their hair!
What to do… I need a quick schtick.
Shoot the emcee is coming our way…
Think… quick, think of something to do…
I know… stick my finger in my ear! Yeah that’s it!
Driver 1: Alright coach, what’s the strategy?
Driver 1: Yes, but for this ma…
Driver 2: Do you want us or an…
Human Player: You too coach!