CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #661

It was open before midnight, so it totally counts as being judged before midnight, right?

First place goes to:

Second place goes to:

And the burn award goes to:

Which means the scores are:

GeeTwo	124
efoote868	121
EricH	118
DonRotolo	105
GaryVoshol	103
cgmv123	100
bdaroz	100
Wayne Doenges	86
Bkeeneykid	66
Hitchhiker 42	66
Pooja Anil	51
frcguy	48
ctt956	39
dodar	32
AustinShalit	29
mastachyra	29
Cothron Theiss	27
rsisk	26
JustinCAD	24
Ichlieberoboter	20
Sperkowsky	19
Golfer4646	17
logank013	16
thatprogrammer	15
FiMFanatic	15
niklas674	14
JoshWilson	12
ollien	12
petercooperjr	12
smitikshah	10
Zealii	10
gcgeobuff	10
snoman	10
Karibou	9
Gravity	8
EmileH	8
WinterPoet	7
ClayTownR	7
Ringo5tarr	6
Taylor	4
Dibit1010	4
euhlmann	4
Poseidon5817	4
Nessie	4
Hess1113	4
Richard Wallace	3
AllenGregoryIV	3
IndySam	2
Daniel Vijay	2
stannenbaum7	2
edesirim	2
RyanN	2
Al Skierkiewicz	2
Sparky Jell-0	2
WesleyK	2
Eryl2000	2
