If you look closely you will find Nick in his natural habitat, calling months in advance of Chezy Champs asking for a sneak peek of the volunteer shirts
“Hi, Billfred? Yeah, can I get a Caption Contest, a Fight Night, and a pair of Totebot kits delivered tonight? Got some important sponsors to impress. Thanks!”
The LRI was not pleased when Nick attempted to bring his “signaling device” into the spy box. Needless to say the resulting argument was nothing short of… screw puns.
If you just make that big red thinga-mobober on the right a robot, implement natural language processing, and have the operator speak commands to it, now you’re Einstein material!
Rampart, this is 51. We have a robot down. RSL is 90 and shallow, appears to be in paralysis. Preparing to connect CAN bus for monitor of vital signs, over.
“The event was out of normal two-way radios…Wait. What do you mean I can’t use this on the field? Why not? It’s powered by an FRC robot-legal battery…”