In my defense, I am on vacation.
First place goes to:
Second place goes to:
And the burn award goes to:
Which means the scores are:
Nessie 31
ctt956 28
EricH 26
cgmv123 26
petercooperjr 22
GeeTwo 19
efoote868 19
carpedav000 17
GaryVoshol 16
bdaroz 16
Wayne Doenges 16
marcusbernstein 15
Bkeeneykid 14
DonRotolo 14
Hitchhiker 42 14
niklas674 14
Thayer McCollum 13
RoboDesigners 12
Leap 12
Pooja Anil 10
Hess1113 10
asid61 8
WillNess 7
logank013 6
frcguy 4
IndySam 4
Jon Stratis 4
SassyJapan 4
snoman 3
dodar 2
Golfer4646 2
gcgeobuff 2
ollien 2
AustinShalit 2
Charlie.bishop 2
Levi Madden 2
fargus111111111 2
Brian M 2