CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #751

Away we go!

The scores after the last round:

Tomithy	80
Cyberphil	78
efoote868	76
Leap	72
EricH	68
GaryVoshol	64
cgmv123	58
ctt956	56
GeeTwo	52
bdaroz	45
ClayTownR	44
Wayne Doenges	44
DonRotolo	41
carpedav000	24
Al Skierkiewicz	19
SaltisVonWaltis	18
Andrew_L	13
npatony	13
Sanket Nayak	12
ljensen	6
jaredhk	6
tanman172000	4
PeterR	4
niklas674	2
snoman	2
Big-b	2
Darre_Bonfire	2
DohertyBilly	2
ThatSoftwareGuy	2
gixxy	2
Zagar	2

The rules, for the newbies.

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is nominally Sunday at midnight Eastern.


Eye see you… and I’ll send you there too if you don’t pay attention to my wheels being on the ground when you test automode!

“You think these bumpers are for MY protection?”

When the robot gets built by Plank from Ed, Edd, and Eddy

im watching you, im always watching

Give the robot eyes but not safety glasses? What kind of monsters are you!

“Yeah, you think our robot’s cute now. But just wait until it gets into a match and those eyes start glowing evil red. We’ll see who’s cute then!”

The autonomous code started working when they were installed - better is better!****

Not quite the FRC version of Gritty.

See guys, I told you that dozer came back! Guys? Guys!?

Maybe if we make the robot look cute, the other robots will leave us alone.

Once they installed the vision sensors the robot could even navigate the aisles autonomously. Good thing audio speakers are prohibited or it might start yelling “Robot”.

Member of 751’s alliance partner, during pre-match strategy discussion: “What does this robot do in autonomous?”
751 member: “Ideally, it would deliver the preloaded gear to the peg at full speed, then get another if possible.”
Member of 751’s other alliance partner: “No way. That robot will put its eyes out!”

Robot eyes… are watching you… They see your every move…

My face when I see the Poofs roll up into SVR.

751 freshman were told to work on the vision system. This is what we got…

Don’t roll your eyes at me!

The HORROR, the beating battery heart ripped right out of my partner.

The face your robot makes when you whip out the USB drive

I’m not dead, promise!

First place goes to:

Second place goes to:

And the burn award goes to:

Which means the scores are:

Tomithy	82
Cyberphil	80
efoote868	79
Leap	74
EricH	70
GaryVoshol	66
cgmv123	60
ctt956	58
GeeTwo	54
bdaroz	47
ClayTownR	46
DonRotolo	46
Wayne Doenges	46
carpedav000	26
SaltisVonWaltis	20
Al Skierkiewicz	19
npatony	15
Andrew_L	13
snoman	12
Sanket Nayak	12
ljensen	6
jaredhk	6
PeterR	6
tanman172000	4
niklas674	2
Big-b	2
Darre_Bonfire	2
DohertyBilly	2
ThatSoftwareGuy	2
gixxy	2
Zagar	2
