“Should we tell him that you don’t need to cover your head in safety glasses?”
“Nah, let the safety advisors tell him”
“They won’t give him the safety award?”
Girl with long hair: “Hmm, is this guy official? He’s got a clipboard, but no radio headset. I guess I’ll ignore him.”
[npoe] Back when I was on queuing at the old Detroit Regional, people thought you must be important if you had a clipboard and a radio. They’d expect me to know the answer to anything. [/npoe]
They’d been told that using a Lexan dividing wall would help prevent the spread of coronavirus. They’d missed the part about being separated from each other by it…
Left: Is he seriously controlling the robot with the d-pad on a remote control?
Center: It’s hybrid mode, not restricted controller mode.
Right: I’m glad we put our best channel surfer in as human player.
We couldn’t get the IR remote to work, so we just used an IR camera. We send signals like a third-base coach. Checking pulse means to speed up, grabbing the wrist means the first ball is in the center, and grabbing the thumb means the second ball is on the left. It worked so well that we helped implement it on our alliance partner robots.
Girl on left: “Hmm, FIRST Overdrive? Does that mean you can drive if you are over the age limit? I just really want to drive one of these fast robots.”