As always, the deadline is nominally Sunday at midnight Eastern. I’ll be at the Billfred’s Couch Kickoff this weekend, so feel free to submit your entry in person if you’re there enjoy Kickoff from your own couch.
Woodie: “And here we have Dean Kamen”
Dean: “hmmm… So do I need to screw this bolt in or do I need to redesign the entire articulated movement?” “Wait is this on?”
“Folks, the reason we want you all to become engineers is so that someone can finally get a system together that WORKS when exposed to users. On a completely unrelated note, anybody want to try fixing this one?”
Woodie: “Hey, I’m having some issues with my mic. Dean, could you stall for a bit?”
Dean: “Sure.”
[turns to face audience]
“Have any of you heard of a Segway before?”
[npoe] I am not the first to make this pun, nor will I be the last [/npoe]
Live Jeopardy, FRC edition
Dean: “Chief Delphi not a Bot Verification for 600 please”
Suit Guy Announcer: “This is Dean Kamen’s last name”
Dean buzzes in: “Kamen”
Suit Guy Announcer: “I’m sorry, that is incorrect. The correct response is WHAT IS Kamen?”