CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #952

It’s Tuesday (central time). You know what that means.

The scores after the last round:

wgorgen 59
Osby 47
jaredhk 46
DonRotolo 45
GaryVoshol 42
gellnick 40
Wayne Doenges 39
cgmv123 39
EricH 37
LuiTheFly 31
GeeTwo 29
Richard Wallace 18
bardd 16
TheRealJamesOo 10
WayCoolSuperDude 10
Andy Baker 7
Amicus1 7
Amanda_Morrison 3
Zroegn 3
rsisk 2
Zagar 2
cad321 2
BrianAtlanta 2
Bmongar 2

The rules, for the newbies.

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is nominally Sunday at midnight Eastern.


“Two of DSK’s biggest fans rock out on stage.”

Could not help but notice they chose to remain anonymous.

“Anybody else notice that roadies get big heads?”

Why are there cheese sticks on stage?

9 years later, these two characters would transform themselves into “Left Shark” and “Right Shark” and become famous at the Super Bowl, in a bid to advance Dean’s vision that FIRST can be as popular as sports.

“I can’t believe we got back stage passes to the DSK concert.”
“Dude, we’re on stage!”
“Oh. Maybe we should go back stage before anyone takes our picture.”
“Too late.”

The moment they realized that their choice of costumes would not only make their head banging more extreme, but ironically, also safer.


They were actually looking for Victor fans.

They got more than they bargained gor…

Do not hit the sausages with the guitar!

Oh, there you are, Perry!

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I’m just a bill, yes I’m only a bill. Wait, wrong act.

“Ayyyyy dude. You might have built beyond size constraints.”
“Same with you, bro”
“Oop hacksaw time”

Let’s get judgy!

First place goes to:

Second place goes to:

And the burn award goes to:

Which means the scores are:

wgorgen 61
GaryVoshol 52
jaredhk 51
Osby 50
DonRotolo 47
gellnick 42
Wayne Doenges 41
cgmv123 41
EricH 39
LuiTheFly 31
GeeTwo 31
Richard Wallace 18
bardd 16
TheRealJamesOo 10
WayCoolSuperDude 10
Andy Baker 7
Amicus1 7
Zroegn 5
Amanda_Morrison 3
rsisk 2
Zagar 2
cad321 2
BrianAtlanta 2
Bmongar 2


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