CD's Unofficial Caption Contest #959

It’s Tuesday. You know what that means.

The scores after the last round:

GaryVoshol 84
wgorgen 82
jaredhk 74
DonRotolo 73
Osby 63
Wayne Doenges 58
gellnick 54
EricH 53
cgmv123 53
LuiTheFly 31
GeeTwo 31
Richard Wallace 18
bardd 16
WayCoolSuperDude 12
Andy Baker 11
tpark747949 10
TheRealJamesOo 10
Amicus1 7
Zroegn 7
Bmongar 4
Amanda_Morrison 3
rsisk 2
Zagar 2
cad321 2
BrianAtlanta 2

The rules, for the newbies.

And the picture:

As always, the deadline is nominally Sunday at midnight Eastern.


The two groups coexist without any awareness that the other exists. FRC: where refs and teams live in alternate realities.

Student flexes, robot lifts.

Ref thinks: Here I go again, out to measure if those robots are high enough. If only there were a rule that the teams had to clearly show they were lifted high enough. My knees aren’t going to last the whole season.

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Coming next: Loud bangs and popped donuts.

The tubes need to be under the robots for when they fall.

Does the five-second rule apply for spilled erythrocytes as well?

Woohoo! We have ALL the tubes. They can’t win.
Neither can we.
We have ALL the tubes, but none on the racks.

Drive team captain: “Power Rangers, Assemble! Form the Megazord!”

Robots: “Megazord activated!”

They may not have scored the tubes, but they are prepared for the water game… whenever that comes…

Let’s get judgy!

First place goes to:

Second place goes to:

And the (carpet) burn award goes to:

Which means the scores are:

GaryVoshol 87
wgorgen 84
jaredhk 79
DonRotolo 73
Osby 63
EricH 63
Wayne Doenges 60
gellnick 56
cgmv123 55
LuiTheFly 31
GeeTwo 31
Richard Wallace 18
bardd 16
tpark747949 12
WayCoolSuperDude 12
Andy Baker 11
TheRealJamesOo 10
Zroegn 9
Amicus1 7
Bmongar 4
Amanda_Morrison 3
rsisk 2
Zagar 2
cad321 2
BrianAtlanta 2


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