With four world champions and many more teams that have advanced deep into the eliminations at St. Louis, this year’s CVR is looking to be even more stacked than last year’s. We are looking forward to getting to interact with and see some amazing teams from all over, and hopefully play with some of them! Good luck to all teams attending!
Just a reminder, if you are looking for hardware or help fixing/troubleshooting something on your robot that isn’t code please come by 1678’s pit and ask us if someone is free to help you. We may be too busy to do so at times, but we enjoy helping when we can.
I feel your pain. As field reset at GSD last weekend I collected at least 15 bent or broken pegboard pins, and that was just one field resetter on one end of the field.
This year’s Central Valley Regional was awesome! The atmosphere and facilities were great, every volunteer was eager and kind, and the competition was intense. IMO it was the best CVR yet, and it will only get better. Thanks to 1323, 8, and 5677, you guys were so much fun to work with.
That funny moment when you look up the results of this event more in depth and discover that the entire finalist alliance (including back up robot) is going to championship
1323 gets a wildcard via 1678 winning the regional and being last years world champion
5817 gets Rookie All Star
8 gets a wild card via 254 winning the regional and being a hall of fame team
5677 gets a wild card via 1671 winning engineering inspiration and being last years world champion
I love the wild card system so much for this very reason, but I am curious about why 8 was unable to play in elims.